
【摘要】 旋塞阀是关闭件或柱塞形的旋塞阀,通过旋转90度使阀塞上的通道口与阀体上的通道口相通或分开,实现开启或关闭的一种阀门。旋塞阀的阀塞的形状可成圆柱形或圆锥形。在圆柱形阀塞中,通道一般成矩形;而在锥形阀塞中,通道成梯形。这些形状使旋塞阀的结构变得轻巧,但同时也产生了一定的损失。旋塞阀最适于作为切断和接通介质以及分流适用,但是依据适用的性质和密封面的耐冲蚀性,有时也可用于节流。因此,阀门设计必须满足工作介质的压力、温度、腐蚀。流体特性以及操作、制造,安装、维修等方面对阀门提出的全部要求。阀门设计必须明确给定技术数据,所必须具备的基本数据有:阀门用途或种类;介质的工作压力;介质的工作温度;工作介质的物理、化学性能(腐蚀性、易燃易爆性、毒性、物态等;公称通径;结构长度;与管道的连接形式;闸阀的操作方法。闸阀根据阀杆的构造可分为两类:明杆闸阀和暗杆闸阀。阀根据闸板构造型式的不同,又可分为两类:楔式闸阀和平行式单闸板(平板阀)。由设计任务书的要求对3 1/16″10000 Psi 暗杆平行式单闸板阀进行设计计算,要求计算的项目一般有:阀座、闸板密封面设计计算;阀杆的设计及强度验算;阀杆螺母的计算与校核;平行单闸板厚度计算;中腔结构尺寸设计;阀体壁厚、中法兰螺栓的计算与校核; [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
High pressure fluid 105 MPa Bright pole gate valve design
Student:chenglei,Department of Mechanical
Instructor:sunzhifang,Department of Mechanical
[Abstract] The cock valve is refers to shutting down (damper plate) along the medium channel middle line direction of plumb line movement valve. The gate valve as the extraction (gas) well head assembly's core part, shoulders is opening or the interruption pipeline medium and controls the high-pressured medium according to artificial to need to flow assigns the place the duty. This design is carries on to it launches the computation. A valve's as piping system in important component, should guarantee that carries out the piping system reliably safely the operation requirements which proposed to the valve. Therefore, the valve design must satisfy the actuating medium the pressure, the temperature, the corrosion. The fluid characteristic as well as the operation, the manufacture, aspects and so on installment, services the complete request which proposed to the valve. The valve design must assign the engineering data explicitly, must have the master data includes: Valve use or type; Medium working pressure; Medium operating temperature; Actuating medium physics, chemical properties (corrosiveness, flammable explosion hazard, toxicity, state of matter and so on; Nominal size; Structural length; With pipeline's connection form; Gate valve's operating procedure. The gate valve may divide into two kinds according to valve lever's structure: Bright pole gate valve and dark pole gate valve. Valve according to damper plate structure style difference, may also divide into two kinds: Wedge type gate valve and run-in single damper plate (plate valve). Carries on the design calculation by the design project description's request to 3 1/16 " 105MPa Bright pole gate valve, The request computation's project has generally: Valve seat, damper plate packing surface design calculation; Valve lever's design and intensity checking calculation; Valve stem nut's computation and examination; Parallel single damper plate thickness computation; Mesocoele structure size design; Valve chest wall thickness, flange bolt's computation and examination. [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
[Key words] Cock valve; Cock valve's structure; Computation project.
5.1 主要研究(设计)内容
5.2 关键问题
5.3 解决思路
(2)熟悉旋塞阀工作机理 ;

目 录
任务书 Ⅰ
开题报告 Ⅱ
指导教师审查意见 Ⅲ
评阅教师评语 Ⅳ
答辩会议记录 Ⅴ
中文摘要 Ⅵ
外文摘要 Ⅶ
前 言 1
1绪论 2
1.1 课题背景 2
1.2 国内外现状和发展趋势与研究的主攻方向 2
2 方案论证 5
2.1 旋塞阀的结构设计原理 5
2.2 阀体的功能及构造 6
2.3 阀杆的构造 7
2.4旋塞阀的构造型式 8
2.5 阀门的密封 8
2.6 旋塞阀的设计要求 9
3 高压旋塞阀材料的选择 11
3.1 阀体的材料选择 11
3.2阀体的材料选择 13
4 旋塞阀关键零件强度校核计算 16
4.1 旋塞阀阀体受内压时危险截面处的强度校核 16
5 阀的总体及结构设计 18
6 总结 19
参考文献 19 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
致 谢 20