
Reactive Power Compensation Technology and Application of STATCOM in Distribution Network
Abstract: With the development of China's power grid, the load and various distributed power supplies are also increasing, which has damaged the stability of the power grid structure and led to a series of problems in power quality. This article mainly explains the principle of reactive power compensation and the working characteristics and advantages and disadvantages of various reactive power compensation devices, and focuses on the working principle and control method of STATCOM. Then use simulink to build the simulation model of STATCOM in 25kV distribution network, and use the indirect current control strategy to control STATCOM. Through comparative analysis, it shows that STATCOM has the effect of maintaining the voltage constant and suppressing voltage fluctuation and flicker.
Keywords: grid; reactive power compensation; STATCOM; Control Strategy; flicke
目 录
1引言 1
1.1课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2无功补偿技术国内外发展现状 1
1.3本文研究的主要内容 1
2无功补偿基本理论及常用无功补偿设备 2
2.1无功补偿基本理论 2
2.1.1无功功率及功率因数 2
2.1.2无功补偿方式 5
2.1.3无功补偿的作用 5
2.2常用无功补偿设备 5
2.2.1同步调相机 5
2.2.2固定电容器 6
2.2.3静止无功补偿器(SVC) 6
2.2.4复合型无功补偿系统 7
3静止同步补偿器(STATCOM)原理及控制方法 8
3.1电压型STATCOM工作原理 8
3.2基本控制方法 9
3.2.1电流的间接控制 9
3.2.2电流的直接控制 12
4STATCOM在配电网的应用 13
4.1模型的建立 13
4.1.1负载模块 14
4.1.2D-STATCOM模块 14
4.1.3数据采集模块 18
4.2仿真运行分析 18
4.2.1消除电压波动分析 18
4.2.2抑制电压闪变分析 21
4.3仿真结果总结 23
5结论与展望 23
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