In recent years, steel development capacity overcapacity,unequal distribution of resources still exists,the development of the Internet to promote the iron and steel industry. But steel as a bulk items, can not be deployed in the network to rely on the current development has been in the mature stage of the express industry, but the need to establish a suitable for the development of iron and steel business logistics model.
Aiming at the series of problems in the development of steel logistics industry, take the development of "Zhaogang.comt" as an example,research the development of the steel industry background, self-built logistics solutions and solutions to this series of problems.
Key Words:Steel logistics;zhaogang;E - commerce
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究意义 2
2 钢铁产业物流发展现状研究 3
2.1 国内传统钢铁行业及钢铁电商发展现状 3
2.1.1 国内传统钢铁行业发展现状 3
2.1.2 国内钢铁电商发展现状 3
2.2 国内钢铁企业物流发展现状及问题 4
2.2.1 国内钢铁企业物流发展现状 4
2.2.2 国内钢铁企业物流发展问题 6 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
2.3 国外钢铁企业物流发展现状及特点 7
2.3.1 国外物流发展现状 7
2.3.2 国外钢铁物流发展具有四大特点 8
3 找钢网自建物流系统方案设计 9
3.1 自建物流模式——找钢网建立胖猫物流 9
3.2 胖猫物流物流方案 10
3.3 运输管理 12
3.4 交易与支付管理 14
4 找钢网自建物流SCP模型分析 16
4.1 外部冲击 16
4.2 行业结构 16
4.3 企业行为 17
5 找钢网物流发展解决方案建议 19
5.1 不足之处 19
5.2 对找钢网物流优化方案的建议 19 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
6 全文总结与研究展望 22
6.1 总结和创新点 22
6.2 研究展望 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]