摘 要
关键词 转移印花 纺织品 物流管理 微商
The research on logistics management of Shengze Wujiang Tianhong printing factory
The Chinese textile industry is facing a challenge of upgrading. Meanwhile, the competition between textile enterprises is more and more fierce. The traditional strategy like using cheap labor and low material prices, etc. no longer meets the current economic form of society. In this paper, Shengze Wujiang Tianhong printing factory is illustrated as an analysis example. It describes the company's existing procurement and storage mode. Meanwhile, analysis of the actual status of the problem and development of its logistics management are discussed in the paper. It focuses on internal planning of construction and the storage problems while finds that business managers do not pay attention to logistics management, management system is imperfect, the lack of systematic planning and design, lack of professionals and other issues. According to the principle of enterprises production logistics rationalisation, the logistics management should be strengthened. Moreover, Improving management system and training of professionals of logistics management are necessary. Logistics information platform should be built. More mature, more scientific, more in line with their own development logistics management should be raised to deal with economic challenges from the market. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Keywords logistics management transfer printing textile differential coefficient
目 录
第一章 绪论 4
1.1 引言 4
1.2 研究背景 4
1.3 研究目的及意义 5
1.4 国内外物流研究现状 6
第二章 吴江市盛泽天宏印花厂物流管理现状 7
2.1 吴江天宏印花厂的简介 7
2.2 厂内原料的采购、储存和回收情况 7
2.2.1 印花纸的采购、储存和回收情况 7
2.2.2 油墨的采购、储存和回收情况 8
2.2.3 甲醇的采购、储存 9 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
2.3 转移印花的工作流程 9
2.4 吴江市盛泽天宏印花厂的交通方式 10
2.5 吴江市盛泽天宏印花厂的经济形式 13
第三章 吴江市盛泽天宏印花厂的物流管理问题 16
3.1 没有重视物流管理,观念落后 16
3.2 物流管理体制的不完善 17
3.3 物流管理缺乏系统的规划与设计 17
3.4 物流管理专业人才的缺失 17
3.5 物流环节没有统一规范 18
3.6 生产过程中对环境的忽视和资源的浪费 18
3.7 员工和企业管理者对安全的忽视 18
第四章 吴江市盛泽天宏印花厂的物流管理改进方法 20
4.1 重视对物流管理的发展 20
4.2 改善物流设施,健全管理制度 20
4.3大力培养和吸收物流专业人才 20
4.4加快物流管理信息一体化建设,提高信息系统管理 21
4.5引起政府的重视,构建物流发展平台 21 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
4.6构建绿色物流 22
4.7 加强企业员工的安全管理意识 22
4.8 微商的进入 23
结 论 25
致 谢 26
参 考 文 献 27
附录A 译文 28
附录B 外文原文 32 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]