Abstract: now is the Internet era, the rapid development of e-commerce. But with the rise of e-commerce has also brought a lot of disadvantages, the current demand for express packaging is more and more, this problem has caused our attention. This paper mainly introduced Su Ningyi purchase Shared express box for example, I consulted a lot of related literature and some information and combined with the related knowledge of recycling of the school a few years, a detailed analysis of the current situation of which also found some problems, in addition the article also detailed analysis of the green packaging, so as to greatly enhance recovery of Shared express real implementation of green logistics. I think it is very important to analyze the current situation of logistics packaging in China from different perspectives and make reasonable treatment.
Keywords: green logistics; Green packaging; Shared express box
第一章引言 1
第二章国内外对纸质共享快递盒的研究概述 1
第三章从绿色物流角度下对我国共享快递盒现状进和问题行详细分析 1
3.1绿色物流下对共享快递盒的发展进行解析 1
3.2共享快递盒存在概念不清的问题及不均衡的现象 1
3.3共享快递盒的需求量较低 1
第四章共享纸质包装盒在绿色物流环境下的发展措施 1
4.1对电商企业共享纸质税收采取扶持政策 1
4.2大力加强共享纸质包装盒材料的发明能力 1
4.3 要对共享快递盒的尺寸进行标准化 1
第五章纸质快递包装回收的目前状况 1
5.1纸质快递包装物引起垃圾数量直线上升 1
5.2 电商企业着重开启回收计划 1
5.3 快递包装物的个人回收 1
第六章苏宁纸质共享快递盒回收的重要性 2 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
6.1纸质快递包装物可促进社会可持续发展战略 2
6.2纸质快递包装物回收可以增加就业率 2
6.3纸质快递的回收可以降低电商的成本并提升企业形象 2
6.4苏宁共享快递盒的相关数据分析(利用离散型的方法) 3
第八章苏宁纸质快递包装回收困难的起因 2
8.1 国家制定的法律体系不健全 2
8.2对企业来说回收纸质包装盒很艰难 2
8.3 企业和顾客无法通过平台来联系 2
第九章苏宁共享快递盒的解决办法 4
9.1 苏宁要大力进行宣传,提高公民的环保意识 4
9.2 国家应该完善关于物流的法律制度,提高执行力 4
9.3 国家要大力支持回收包装盒,奖惩制度要明确 4
9.4 培养专业人才,提高技术水准 4
9.5 开创新的信息平台和包装技术,提升物流技术 4
9.6 纸质包装盒尺寸要统一 5
第十章结语和展望 6 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
致谢 7
参考文献 8