Analysis of problems and countermeasures of accounts receivable
management of pingcoal shares
[关键词] 平煤股份;应收账款;控制管理
Analysis of problems and countermeasures of accounts receivable
management of pingcoal shares
【Abstract】Accounts receivable in the modern enterprise liquid assets play an important role, along with the advance of our country economy level and improve the social market competition gradually fierce, the enterprise accounts receivable increased year by year, make the enterprise owned by the rising cost of capital, the risk also will increase, so the control account receivable growth, improve the accounts receivable turnover is imminent.This article refer to some relevant experts to make research on this question theory both at home and abroad, to accounts receivable management were summarized, based on the current situation of the leveling joint-stock company accounts receivable analysis and research, to analyze the causes of the problems and brings to the enterprise, put forward measures to strengthen the management of accounts receivable, hope to help leveling co., LTD., and similar enterprises to further accounts receivable. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
【Keywords】Flat Coal Shares; Accounts Receivable; Control Managemen
1引言 4
2相关概念阐析 4
2.1应收账款 4
2.2应收账款管理 4
1.制定信用政策 4
2.应收账款的管理 5
3.超过期限的应收账款催收 5
3国内外研究现状 5
3.1国外研究现状 5
3.1.1从日常管理视角看待应收账款管理 5
3.1.2从融资视角对应收账款进行管理 5
3.2国内研究现状 6
3.2.1企业应收账款的现状分析 6
3.2.2应收账款的分析方法 6
4企业应收账款管理现存问题及成因分析 6
4.1国内企业应收账款管理存在的问题 6
4.1.1应收账款金额大,账龄长 6
4.1.2坏账呆账现象普遍 6
4.1.3逾期应收账款催收困难 6 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
4.1.4资金机会成本高,现金流支出增加 7
4.2企业应收账款问题的成因分析 7
4.2.1风险防范意识薄弱 7
4.2.2信用管理制度不完善 7
4.2.3.公司催收制度不健全 7
4.2.4法律维权意识薄弱,不重视债权维护 8
5案例分析——平煤股份应收账款情况分析 8
5.1公司概况 8
5.2应收账款问题分析 8
5.2.1近年应收账款情况 8
5.2.2自由现金流 9
5.2.3应收账款周转率及周转天数 9
5.2.4计提坏账准备的标准 10
5.2.5计提坏账准备 10
5.3案例小结 10
6改善企业应收账款问题的对策建议 11
6.1完善风险管理体系 11
6.2设立独立的信用管理部门 11
6.3完善应收账款催收流程 12
6.4提高法律意识,熟用法律手段 12 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
7结论 12
致谢 15