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随着人们生活逐渐富裕对商品需求量快速增加,促成连锁零售企业比比皆是,成为现代社会经济组成中的重要一部分。企业中的一项重要资源是存货,由于国内零售业的发展落后于国外零售业这也是现在国内大部分连锁零售企业的管理问题往往都是出现在存货方面的原因所在,存货管理影响着企业资金的运营和控制,存货管理是企业日常经营活动过程中十分重要的一环。同时,存货管理也对企业内部控制体系是否完善起着衡量的作用,一个发展好的企业在存货管理方面会投入更多的资源来完善管理系统,这样收益往往也是大于期望值的。在今天,在互联网的推动下,国内企业也因此获益,零售企业的销售渠道也不断完善,这也让整个行业充满活力,竞争也变得愈加的激烈。在日常生活中,更多的是直接从超市购买商品,互联网带来了新的支付方式,吸引了更多的消费者在实体店消费。传统的存货管理模式已经不大能满足零售企业的发展与壮大,零售企业要想获得更多更好的经济利益,就必须改进存货管理模式,利用更先进的管理模式使存货成本大大减少,提高存货周转率,提高整体竞争水平,实现企业投资回报最大化的财务目标。本文通过对现有存货管理理论的了解,结合现代零售企业的发展特点,再以永辉超市为例,重点分析了其在存货管理上的信息化程度、与供应商合作关系、物流水平问题并提出相应的对策,这对实现最优的工作绩效,完成企业的目标具有十分重要的意义。 [资料来源:]

关键词:存货管理   零售企业   永辉超市

The Retail Inventory Management Present Situation, Problems And Countermeasures
——Taking Yonghui Superstores as an Example
As people get richer and demand for goods increases rapidly, chain retail enterprises are everywhere, becoming an important part of modern social and economic composition. An important resource in the enterprise is in stock, thanks to the development of domestic retail industry lags behind that of the foreign retail industry which is now the most domestic retail chains management problems are often appear in the inventory, inventory management affects the enterprise capital operation and control, inventory management is very important in the process of enterprise daily business activities. At the same time, inventory management also plays a measuring role in the perfection of the enterprise's internal control system. A well-developed enterprise will invest more resources in the inventory management to improve the management system, so that the profit is often greater than the expected value. Today, with the promotion of the Internet, domestic enterprises also benefit from this, and retail enterprises' sales channels are constantly improved, which makes the whole industry full of vitality and competition become increasingly fierce. In daily life, more people buy goods directly from supermarkets. The Internet brings new payment methods and attracts more consumers to spend money in physical stores. The traditional inventory management pattern already can not meet the development and expansion of retail enterprises, retail enterprises to gain more and better economic benefits, we must improve the inventory management mode, using more advanced management mode to reduce the inventory cost, improve inventory turnover, improve the overall competition level, realize the financial objective of maximizing the return on investment. In this article, through understanding of the existing inventory management theory, combining with the characteristics of the development of modern retail enterprises and to yong hui supermarket as an example, analyzed the degree of informatization on the inventory management, partnerships with suppliers, logistics level problems and put forward the corresponding countermeasure, to achieve optimal performance and achieve the aim of enterprises is of great significance. [版权所有:]
Key words:Inventory Management,Retail Business, Yonghui Superstores

目    录
一、绪论    1
(一)研究背景及意义    1
(二)国内外文献综述    1
(三)本文的创新之处    3
二、存货管理的基础理论    3
(一)存货成本的概述    3
(二)存货成本控制的概述    4
三、零售业存货管理现状分析    5
(一)存货管理内部控制制度不健全    5
(二)企业缺乏对供应链进行存货管理,忽视信息共享的重要性    5
(三)缺乏合理有效的存货管理模式    5
四、零售业存货管理模式存在的问题----以永辉为例    6
(一)存货管理的信息化程度不高    7
(二)零售商与供应商之间合作不密切    7
(三)缺乏完善物流配送中心    8
(四)库存周转速度相对较慢    8
五、永辉超市存货管理问题的改善建议    10 [资料来源:]
(一)提升信息化管理水平    10
(二)处理好供商关系    10
(三)提高永辉超市的物流水平    10
(四)提高库存周转率    11
结论    12
参考文献    13
致谢    14 [来源:]

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