摘 要
Decline in the credibility of local government in China has caused attention, the current domestic research about the government's credibility, and enhance the government credibility is more, but few are from the perspective of local audit institutions shall audit role in enhance the government credibility. Local audit institutions through continuous improvement work engagement, in the influence and promotion of the government credibility has undoubtedly plays an important role, by improving the audit institutions at the same time its own credibility, sets up the audit in the important position in the local governance. From the integrity, the rule of law, transparency, efficiency, responsible government, in order to investigate the influence of national audit of government credibility ascension. And to set up the audit credibility in the local government governance activities, audit institutions shall audit from open, team construction, audit, the audit recommendations and accountability behavior corrective aspects such as strengthening the construction of audit institutions credibility.
Keyword: credibility audit pathway
目 录
一、相关理论概述 1
(一)公信力的内涵 1
(二)审计定义与分类 2
二、国家审计对政府公信力的影响分析 2
(一)依法审计推进法治政府建设 3
(二)审计监督促进廉洁政府建设 3
(三)审计公开推动透明政府建设 3
(四)绩效审计促进效益政府建设 3
(五)依法审计促进责任政府建设 4
三、政府公信力存在的问题 4
(一)政府诚信和服务意识欠缺 4
(二)政府决策程序和机制不合理 4
(三)政府责任机制缺失 5
(四)权力腐败现象削弱政府公信力 6
四、提升政府审计机关公信力的途径 6
(一)主动全面的审计公开 6
(二)清正廉洁的审计队伍 6 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
(三)客观公正的审计行为 7
(四)切实可行的审计建议 7
(五)及时有效的整改落实 7
参考文献 9