中文题目 浅议内部审计外包在z单位审计中的应用(论文10000字)
外文题目 A brief discussion on the application of internal audit outsourcing in z unit audit
关键词:审计外包 内部审计 外包应用
On the Application of Internal Audit Outsourcing in the Audit of Z Units
Abstract: With the continuous development of economy, the economic system of our country is constantly changing, and the development of enterprises is developing towards more and more specialization. Among them, the professional performance of enterprise development is the outsourcing of audit work. In order to study the audit outsourcing of Chinese enterprises, this paper takes z unit as the object to study the audit outsourcing of enterprises.First of all, after the analysis of the domestic and foreign research status, secondly, the related theories are introduced, and on this basis, the basic problems existing in the unit are analyzed in detail. Finally, the corresponding countermeasures are put forward to promote the development of z-unit, and to promote the development of other enterprises. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key words:Internal audit; Outsourcing application
目 录
一、绪论 - 1 -
(一)研究背景 - 1 -
(二)研究意义 - 1 -
1.理论意义 - 1 -
2.现实意义 - 2 -
(三)国内外研究现状 - 2 -
1.国外研究现状 - 2 -
2.国内研究现状 - 3 -
二、相关理论概述 - 4 -
(一)内部审计外包理论基础 - 4 -
(二)内部审计外包的优缺点 - 4 -
1.优点 - 4 -
2.缺点 - 5 -
三、z单位内部审计外包存在的问题 - 6 -
(一)未结合企业战略进行外包决策 - 6 -
(二)外部审计师缺乏主导权 - 7 -
(三)外包商并未提升审计人员资质水平 - 8 -
(四)领导层对内部审计缺乏规划 - 8 -
(五)内部审计内容单一 - 9 - [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
四、对z单位内部审计外包的建议 - 1 -
(一)提高内部审计独立性,立足于企业 - 1 -
(二)选择部分外包,合理分配主导权 - 1 -
(三)全面考量外包商,提高内部审计人员能力 - 2 -
(四)提高规划意识促进长远发展 - 2 -
(五)扩大内部审计范围 - 3 -
五、结论 - 4 -
参考文献 - 5 -
致 谢 - 6 -