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摘    要
关键词:STM32  心音采集  信号处理  波形显示

Design and Implementation of Electronic Stethoscope Based on STM32
Heart sound refers to the sound produced by the vibration caused by the contraction of myocardium, the impact of blood on the ventricular wall and aortic wall, and the closure of heart valves. When heart and large vessel diseases occur, the intensity and frequency of heart sounds often change, so that abnormal heart sounds or heart disease rational murmurs can occur. Therefore, auscultation and analysis of heart sounds are of great significance in diagnosing patients'cardiovascular diseases, observing their condition, inferring the pathophysiological causes of the disease, choosing treatment methods and estimating their prognosis.


Different from the traditional acoustic stethoscope, this paper proposes to design an electronic stethoscope based on stm32, which can realize heart sound amplification and display heart sound waveform for auscultation and multi-consultation. The design system includes four parts: heart sound acquisition, signal processing, heart sound amplification and LCD waveform display. The stethoscope first collects human heart sound signals through heart sound sensors, and after amplification and filtering, one way is sent to the speaker for external amplification, the other way is sent to the STM32 processor for AD conversion, and the real-time waveform display is realized through serial port transmission to LCD. Through the actual test of the final product, the function of the finished product is good, the operation is stable and basically meets the design requirements.
Key words: STM32   heart sound acquisition   signal processing   waveform display


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 课题研究背景    1
1.2 听诊器国内外研究现状    2
1.3 课题研究的目的和意义    3
1.4 论文结构安排    4
1.5本章小结    5
第二章 方案设计与选择    6
2.1 系统设计要求    6
2.2心音信号采集方案选择    6
2.3总体方案设计    7
2.4核心器件选择    8 [版权所有:]
2.4.1 主控制器的选择    8
2.4.2 液晶屏显示元件选择    9
2.4.3 电源模块的选择    9
2.4.4  AD转换模块选择    10
2.4.5 集成运算放大器的选择    10
2.4.6 扬声器选择    11
2.5 本章小结    12
第三章 硬件电路设计    12
3.1 STM32F103ZE最小系统    12
3.2 心音采集模块    12
3.3 信号处理模块    14
3.3.1 信号处理的要求    15
3.3.2 前置放大电路    16
3.3.3 低通滤波电路    16
3.3.4 主放大电路    17
3.3.5 加法电路    18
3.4 外放模块    19
3.5 LCD显示模块    20
3.6 电源、串口模块    21
3.7 本章小结    22
第四章 系统软件设计    22
4.1 软件总体设计    22 [来源:]
4.2 系统初始化    24
4.3 心音信号采集模块    26
4.4  心音信号幅值获取    28
4.5 心音信号频率测量    29
4.6 LCD显示    30
4.7 本章小结    31
第五章 系统综合调试    32
5.1系统调试    32
5.2结果展示    33
5.3本章小结    35
第六章 总结展望    36
6.1 工作总结    36
6.2课题展望    37
参考文献    38
致   谢    41
附录  部分源程序    42


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