
摘 要
关键词:点滴滴速 光报警 声报警 单片机 传感器
Design and implementation of automatic drip monitoring and alarm system
Intravenous infusion therapy is a very common medical treatment for patients, but most of the current institutions can not fully realize the automatic monitoring and management of infusion, so when the infusion is completed, it often needs manual monitoring, otherwise it is extremely easy to cause some medical accidents. When the infusion is over or the infusion speed is abnormal or the patient calls the nurse by himself, the patient carries out sound alarm and light alarm, and transmits the alarm signal to the nurse. The nurse carries out alarm communication through buzzer.
Firstly, the background, significance and development of the automatic drip monitoring system are briefly introduced in this paper. Secondly, the software and hardware options of the system are discussed in detail. The hardware includes central processing unit, drip signal detection unit, acousto-optic alarm unit and wireless transmission unit. The software part is mainly divided into nurses and patients. The end of this paper introduces the control of alarm and speed in detail. At the end of this paper, the debugging and testing results of the system function are mentioned. Finally, it points out all aspects that can be innovated and improved.
Key Words: Drip rate Light alarm Sound alarm Microcontrollers sensor

第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景和意义 1
1.2 发展现状和趋势 2
1.2.1国内外研究现状 2
1.2.2现存问题 3
1.3 课题任务 3
第二章 系统方案设计 5
2.1 输液报警监控系统的方案比较与选择 5
2.2 系统总体框图 6
第三章 系统硬件设计 8
3.1控制处理单元 8
3.1.1控制处理单元的选择 8
3.1.2控制处理单元的电路实现 8
3.2点滴信号检测单元 9
3.2.1信号检测方案选择 9
3.2.2 红外对射传感器简介 10
3.2.3 电路中点滴信号检测的实现 10
3.3 声光报警单元 11
3.3.1 声光报警的选择 11
3.3.2 声光报警的电路实现 11
3.4 电机控制单元 12
3.4.1 电机的选择 12
3.4.2 电机控制的电路实现 12
3.5 显示单元 13
3.6检测电路的抗干扰措施 14
第四章系统软件设计 15
4.1患者端各模块软件设计 15
4.1.1主控模块设计 17
4.1.2点滴速度测量模块设计 17
4.1.3 报警模块设计 20
4.2 护士端无线接收模块软件设计 20
第五章 调试与结果 22
第六章 总结与展望 25
参考文献 26 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
致谢 28
附录 29 [资料来源:Doc163.com]