
Design and implementation of the intelligent electronic weighing system
The so-called intelligent electronic weighing system is the use of accurate weighing items or the weight of people,it can be intelligently received and feedback information to the user to achieve a convenient and efficient effect. This project has completed the design and implementation of the intelligent electronic weighing system. The system can allow users and electronic scales to carry out human machine voice interaction, and realize data record and upload to facilitate the summary on the .basis of the basic weighing.
Significance and development of the intelligent electronic weighing system are introduced in this project. Then the whole scheme is determined. Then each module is introduced in detail from two aspects of hardware and software. The hardware is mainly composed of the A/D signal conversion module, the speech recognition module, the wireless data transmission module and the data display module. Block, peel and alarm and other modules. The software part mainly focuses on the programming of the master chip, and finally the debugging and summary of the whole function of the system.
Key words: single chip; intelligent electronic scale; speech recognition; wireless data transmission

第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景和意义 1
1.2电子秤的发展趋势和现状 1
1.3电子秤现存的问题 2
1.4 课题任务 2
第二章 系统硬件设计 4
2.1 系统总方案设计 4
2.2主控模块的设计与实现 5
2.2.1主控模块的方案选择 5
2.2.2 STC12L60S2单片机的介绍 7
2.2.3 主控模块电路的实现 7
2.3 A/D转化模块的设计与实现 8
2.3.1 A/D转化模块的方案选择 8
2.3.2 HX711芯片的介绍 9
2.3.3 A/D转化模块电路的实现 9
2.4 称重传感器模块的设计与实现 10
2.4.1称重传感器模块的方案选择 10
2.4.2 电阻应变式压力传感器的介绍 11
2.4.3 称重传感器模块电路的实现 11
2.5 语音识别模块的设计与实现 13
2.5.1 语音识别模块的方案选择 13
2.5.2语音识别模块的介绍 14
2.5.3 语音识别模块电路的实现 14
2.6 显示模块的设计与实现 14
2.6.1显示模块方案的选择 14
2.6.2 LCD1602芯片的介绍 16
2.6.3 显示模块电路的实现 16
2.7 无线数据传输模块的设计与实现 16
2.7.1无线数据传输模块方案的选择 16
2.7.2 ESP8266芯片的介绍 18
2.7.3 无线数据传输模块电路的实现 18
2.8 按键模块的设计与实现 18
第三章 系统软件设计 20
3.1 整体程序设计 20
3.2 A/D数据转换子程序设计 20
3.3 显示模块子程序设计 22
3.4 超重报警模块子程序设计 23
3.5语音识别模块子程序设计 23
第四章 结果与调试 25
4.1 称重功能调试结果 25
4.2 人机交互功能调试结果 26
4.3无线数据传输功能的调试结果 27
4.4整体功能调试结果 30 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
第五章 小结与展望 32
参考文献 33
附录一 系统整体原理图 34
附录二 硬件实物图 35
附录三 程序 36
致谢 51 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]