Design of protable formaldehyde tester
Abstract:The development of social economy, science and technology continue to improve, the hitherto unknown way to change the quality of life and the basic necessities of life, but change is not just to bring the convenience of life, but also brings the side effect of industrial production. To the home, for example, asthma, leukemia and other diseases induced by excessive concentration of indoor formaldehyde has a great relationship, due to the lack of professional equipment, it is difficult to timely prevention. This design is mainly to solve the above problem, design a portable formaldehyde concentration monitoring device, the formaldehyde concentration monitoring device not only can measure the current environment, and when the concentration of formaldehyde over the limit alarm. This design mainly has 51 monolithic integrated circuit, the MQ138 formaldehyde sensor, the liquid crystal display, the AD analog to digital converter, the buzzer and so on.
AD analog digital converter to collect formaldehyde sensor output analog, through the MCU processing, displayed on the lcd.
Key words: Single chip microcomputer; Formaldehyde concentration; Liquid crystal display; Analog-to-digital conversion
目 录
1. 引言 1
1.1 国内外现状 1
1.2本论文主要内容和意思 1
2. 系统方案及原理 2
2.1 系统设计的目标 2
2.2 微控制芯片的选择与论证 2
2.2 A/D转换模块的选择 3
2.3 显示模块的选择与论证 4
3. 硬件设计 5
3.1 微控制器件的发展 5
3.1.2 51单片机 6
3.1.3 51单片机外部电路 8
3.2 甲醛浓度检测模块 9
3.3 ADC0804转换模块 9
3.4液晶显示模块 11
3.5 蜂鸣器模块 12
4. 软件设计 13
4.1 软件开发环境简介 13
4.2 系统总体流程图 14
5. 实物制作与调试 15
5.1 电路板焊接与调试 15
5.2 实物调试 16
5.2.1液晶电路的调试 16
5.2.2甲醛传感器的调试 17
5.3 调试结论 17
6. 总结与展望 17
6.1 总结 17
6.2 展望 18
参考文献 18
致谢 19