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首先,通过音频模块WM8731L采集三路语音信号,将三路信号混合在一起通过音频模块与FPGA I2C通信协议装载到FPGA NIOS Ⅱ软核中并将该混合信号作为本设计中待处理的复合信号。
其次,本文对常用的分离混合信号的独立成分分析法(Independent Component Analysis,ICA)和主元分析方法(Principal Components Analysis,PCA)进行了介绍。重点分析两种算法的数学模型,并选择PCA作为本设计处理复合信号的核心算法,并在软核中实现PCA算法的编制。


Title:Multichannel signal separation device of FPGA
Abstrat:In daily life and engineering practice, it is often very difficult to get pure and ideal expectation signals. This is because, in practical applications, in addition to the target signal, it is generally mixed with other kinds of interference in the environment and all kinds of noise pollution. However, the composite signal with multiple signals can not be directly used in the back-end system. For example, locating target location directly using mixed noise and interference location will definitely affect the positioning accuracy and even lead to erroneous localization. Based on this, this design provides a multi-channel signal separation implementation device based on FPGA, which actually solves the problem of signal mixing and also provides a solution for the signal processing system to separate the front-end signal.
First, three audio signals are collected through the audio module WM8731L, and the three signals are mixed together to be loaded into the FPGA NIOS II soft core through the audio module and the FPGA I2C communication protocol, and the mixed signal is used as the complex signal to be processed in this design.


Secondly, this paper introduces the independent component analysis and principal component analysis for the commonly used mixed signals. The mathematical models of the two algorithms are analyzed emphatically, and PCA is chosen as the core algorithm for the design of composite signals, and the PCA algorithm is compiled in the soft core.
Finally, the separation algorithm in the soft core is used to separate and parse the composite signals. The separated three signal signals are stored and the key module on the FPGA is used respectively. The separation effect of each signal is monitored by using the ear type headset. At the same time, in order to prove the effectiveness of the device, MTALAB software is used to analyze mixed signals and three channel separation signals. Compared with the collected three signals, the simulation results fully show that the design has reached the design expectation, and the algorithm has been successfully implemented in the FPGA soft core.
Keywords:Signal separation, FPGA, principal component analysis, system design [资料来源:]


一、绪论    1
1.1研究背景及现状    1
1.1.1项目背景    1
1.1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.2项目研究目标    2
1.3本文主要研究工作    2
1.4论文的章节    3
二、设计方案    4
2.1设计目标    4
2.2设计方案选择    4
2.3系统设计方案    5
三、硬件实现方案    6
3.1 FPGA的RTL结构图    6


3.2主控制器部分    6
3.3采样播放部分    7
3.3.1WM8731L模块    7
3.3.2 I2C通信部分    10
3.3.3按键模块    11
3.3.4数码管模块    11
四、软件设计方案    13
4.1 盲信号算法框图    13
4.2两个算法简介    13
4.2.1ICA算法简介    13
4.2.2PCA算法简介    17
4.3FPGA部分算法图片    18
五、实验测试与结果分析    20
5.1数据采集方案的实现    20
5.2混合信号的分离的实现    21
5.3实物图    23
5.4误差分析    23
5.5小结    24
六、论文总结    25
6.1总结    25
6.2思考与展望    25
参考文献    26
致谢    27

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