
摘 要
本设计在描述按摩机功能的基础上,完成了一个基于PWM(脉冲宽度调制)调速的按摩机传动控制系统电路的设计。本设计以单片机技术和直流电机PWM调速技术为基础提出了控制系统框架和具体设计技术方案,从硬件电路方面阐述了控制系统的总体实现,结合硬件提出软件设计思想,利用汇编语言将之实现,并利用按键,蜂鸣器,氖灯,LED数码管等外围设备为用户提供服务,实现人机交互和按摩功能。通过按键,用户可以让按摩机工作在最具舒适的按摩工作方式和振动速度上;利用蜂鸣器来告警或提示按摩完成;利用氖灯显示当前的工作状态;利用LED数码管显示电机当前的转速。本设计是基于单片机的PWM传动控制电路的软硬件结合, PWM调制原理实现技术较复杂,硬件上利用MOSFET(金属氧化半导体场效应晶体管)来实现,软件上利用交流检测结果,完成单片机定时器延时和查表功能。本设计不但结合了单片机开发技术,而且综合运用了直流电机PWM技术、交流检测技术以及LED驱动与控制技术,实现了按摩机控制系统人机交互。
关键字:PWM MOSFET 交流检测技术 LED驱动与控制
The design, in describing the foundation of massage machine function, completed a spread to move and control system electric circuit, which based on PWM (Pulse Width Modulated). With techniques of SCM (Single Chip Microcomputer) and PWM of DC (Direct Current) motor, the design put forward the control system frame and the concrete design technique projects at first. Then elaborated the total realization of the control system from the hardware electric circuit. Next, combined the hardware to put forward the mind of software design, and made use of Assembly language carrying out it. Finally, made use of the peripherals, such as the key, the buzzer,the neon lamp and the LED (Light Emitting Diode) figures tube, providing the service for the customer, and carry out the massage function and interaction for both the machine and the person. The customer can let massage machine work on the comfortable method and vibration speeds by the key; Make use of the buzzer warning or hinting the massage has finished; Make use of neon lamp shows the current work appearance; And use the LED figures tube to manifestation present speed of motor. The design is a software and hardware’s combination that based on the PWM of spread to move and control system electric circuit. It’s more complicated to carry out the technique of PWM. On the hardware, make use of the MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) carrying out it; On the software, make use of the result of exchanges examination, setting the SCM postpone and checking the form. The design not only used technique of SCM, but also synthesized the technique of the PWM of DC motor, the technique of exchanges examination and the technique of drive and control of LED, to carry out the control system of massage machine and person's interaction. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Keywords: PWM MOSFET technique of exchanges examination
drive and control of LED
1. 按键输入与LED指示部分。该模块负责响应按摩机6个按键输入信号,并利用数码管和发光二极管显示当前工作状态。其中,数码管显示按摩振速,发光二极管显示按摩方式。
2. 蜂鸣器提示输出部分。该模块完成按摩机的告警和工作提示,在一般工作情况下,蜂鸣器都将发声告警(例如,按键输入、电机运行超时和系统出错)。
3. 氖灯指示部分。氖灯只在按摩机工作时发光,否则熄灭。该模块利用220V市电为氖灯供电,并配合相应的控制电路。 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
4. 交流检测部分。检测交流过零点,用来控制电动机和氖灯。
5. 电源部分。该模块实现单片机系统从交流中整流出稳定的5V供电电压。
6. 电机部分。电机采用220V市电供电,控制方式与氖灯控制相同。

目 录
1 概述 1
2 按摩机控制系统框架设计 3
3 直流电机PWM调速控制原理 5
3.1 直流电动机驱动方式 6
3.2 直流电机PWM调速原理与控制技术 7
4 按摩机控制系统设计技术方案 9
4.1 系统电源设计 9
4.2 系统所选用单片机简介 10
4.3 系统单片机外部扩展 11
4.4 交流检测电路 12
4.5 电机控制方案 13
4.6 LED的数码管驱动 13
5 按摩机控制系统硬件设计 15
5.1 电源电路 15
5.2 复位电路 16
5.3 电机和氖灯控制电路 16 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
5.4 按键显示部分电路 18
6 按摩机控制系统软件设计思想 19
6.1 电机控制设计 19
6.2 LED驱动设计 20
6.3 交流检测设计 21
7 按摩机控制系统软件汇编实现 22
7.1 单片机端口与寄存器的初始化 22
7.2 主程序代码部分 24
7.3 交流检测模块 25
7.4 电动机的控制实现 26
7.5 数码管显示驱动模块 27
结束语 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31
附录 汇编程序 32