
摘 要
Control circuitdesign of automaticwashing machine
Based on the MCS-51 microcontroller laundry control system, control panel from the button. Indicator components. button to choose washing machines work, with a key indicator, LED displays show machine washing and dehydration time. washing machines, the overall circuit module including keyboard matrix, lamp, motor control and power supply circuit. control procedures designed timer interrupt service procedures, external interrupt service procedures and the main program.
This paper briefly introduces the working principle and method of automatic washing machine and single chip computer, the paper mainly introduces how to use single chip and other modules to achieve control of the clothes washing machine washing, rinsing, dehydration and other operations, basically realized the real-time control of the full automatic washing machine operation status, finish washing, rinsing full automatic washing machine, dehydration and other tasks, cost saving, convenient to enhance the process of automatic washing machine.
Key Words: Washing machine;89C52 Single chip

目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
目 录 Ⅲ
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2国内外现状 1
1.3课题意义 2
1.4课题任务 2
第二章 系统方案设计 4
2.1系统方案设计 4
2.2系统功能设计 4
第三章 洗衣机系统硬件设计 8
3.1设计总方框图 8
3.2 最小系统设计 9
3.2.1 STC89C52单片机 9
3.2.2复位电路 10
3.2.3时钟电路模块 11
3.3按键电路模块 12
3.4显示电路 13
3.5蜂鸣器报警电路 13
3.6电机控制模块 14
3.7进水/排水电路 15
第四章 洗衣机系统软件设计 16
4.1主程序 16
4.2标准洗衣程序 17
4.3洗涤程序 18
4.4漂洗程序 19
4.5脱水程序 20
第五章 系统调试 21
5.1电路实物图 21
5.2电路调试 21
总 结 25
致 谢 26 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
参考文献 27
附录 28
本设计程序 28
电路图 34