
Multifunctional intelligent table lamp based on STM32 single chip microcomputer
Abstract:In order to realize the multi-functionality of the desk lamp,making the table lamp for daily use become more convenient.This paper designs a multi-functional intelligent table lamp based on STM32 single-chip microcomputer. It uses STM32 as the main control unit and uses HC-SR505 human body sensing module to realize automatic turn-off when the user leaves, saving energy, measuring light intensity and displaying to SSD1306 LCD screen. on. The ultrasonic module is used to measure the distance between the human distance module and display the distance to the liquid crystal screen. If the distance is too close, the buzzer alarm is used to remind the user that the sitting posture needs to be adjusted to prevent myopia. In addition, the sound control can be realized by the switch of the sound control lamp, and on this basis, the Bluetooth module is added to realize the remote control of the desk lamp.The smart table lamp finally realizes the functions of voice control, Bluetooth control, human body control, etc., and meets the needs of people's daily life for lighting. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key words:STM32 microprocessor; photoresistor; HC-SR505 human body sensing modul

1绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究意义 2
1.3国内外研究现状 3
1.4本课题的设计任务及主要内容 4
2系统方案对比选型 5
2.1测距模块方案选型 5
2.2通信模块选型 5
2.3微控制器选型 6
3系统硬件设计 6
3.1系统硬件结构框图 6
3.2模块硬件选型 7
3.2.1主控制模块设计 7
3.2.2发光模块设计 8
3.2.3显示模块设计 9
3.2.4距离检测模块设计 10
3.2.5控制模块设计 11
3.2.6电源管理模块设计 13
4系统软件设计 14
4.1 STM32开发环境介绍 14
4.2软件总体结构设计 14
4.3人体感应与声敏控制程序 15
4.4蓝牙串口命令接收模块 16
4.5距离检测模块软件设计 17
4.6光照亮度模块软件设计 18
4.7中断服务程序设计 18
5系统测试 18
6总结与展望 21
6.1总结 21
6.2展望 22
参考文献 22
致谢 24 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]