
The design of intelligent medicine box system based on MCU and GSM
Abstract:Now the society is gradually developing,people's life level is getting higher and higher, thus, the phenomenon that they seek for their own health quality has gradually improved, in order to allow the elderly to be more convenient to take medicine, coming into contact with the state that the intelligent medicine box is increasingly developed vigorously , the writing purpose of the article is introducing the design of a microcontroller based on combination of GSM and smart home kits, the system adopts MCU as the control core, sets taking the time by the clock module, voice module to take medication reminder,LCD module to display dosage, human body infrared sensor and LED indicator for detecting whether medication. Using the function of common programming of MCU and GSM module, to achieve the effect that the users can be regularly reminded taking medicine. if not taking medicine exactly on time within the setting time,this medicine box will automatically send text messages to the designated mobile phone to remind.Easy to operate, suitable for the elderly to use, combined with multiple modules to achieve efficient and convenient purpose. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Keywords:Single chip microcomputer; GSM; Intelligent medicine box; Clock module; human body infrared sensor

目 录
1 绪论 3
1.1研究的意义 3
1.2国内外现状 3
1.3本文设计工作 4
2 系统总体设计方案 5
2.1设计要求 5
2.2设计思路 5
2.3系统结构设计 5
3系统硬件电路设计 6
3.1电源模块 6
3.2串口通信模块 6
3.3 GSM模块 7
3.3.1 GSM模块简介 7
3.3.2 GSM模块电路 7
3.3.3 SIM卡电路 8
3.4 时钟模块 8
3.5 语音模块 9
3.6 红外人体感应模块 10
3.7 主控模块 11
3.7.1 STC单片机最小系统 11
3.7.2 晶振电路 13
3.7.3 复位电路 13
3.7.4 显示电路 14
3.7.5 按键电路 15
3.7.6 发光二极管电路 15
3.8 系统电路图 15
4系统软件设计 16
4.1 开发工具介绍 16
4.1.1 Altium Designer 16
4.1.2 Keil c51 16
4.2程序设计流程 16
4.2.1主程序流程 16
4.2.2发送和接收短信 17
4.3 AT指令 18
5系统调试与实现 18
5.1 调试目的 19
5.2调试方法 19
5.2.1 软件调试 19 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
5.2.2硬件调试 20
5.3 调试结果 21
6总结与展望 23
参考文献 24
致谢 25