
关键词: 剩余电量检测 MSP430 锂离子电池
Lithium battery detection system Based on MCU
Abstract:In order to know more clearly the lithium battery remaining power, understanding the use of the lithium battery power comprehensively. A lithium battery detection system based on single chip microcomputer is designed in this paper. The system will use MSP430 MCU as the main control device, mainly composed of voltage and current acquisition module, LM2577 booster module and MSP430 MCU module and LCD display module. This paper introduces the theory of lithium battery charging and discharging, characteristics of the composition and properties of the battery power detection and detection system,expatiates on the thought of the software and hardware architecture.
This paper describes the design ideas not only can measure the daily life of the use of lithium-ion battery power, while taking into account the accuracy of the detection system and design ideas and other aspects of the difficulty of the requirements.
Key words: Residual electric quantity detection MSP430 Lithium-ion battery
目 录
1 绪论 5
1.1研究背景及意义 5
1.2检测技术国内外发展近况 5
1.3主要研究内容 6
1.4锂电池部分特性 6
1.4.1锂电池充电特性 6
1.4.2锂电池放电特性 7
1.4.3锂电池温度特性 8
2 系统总体设计 8
2.1系统原理分析 8
2.1.1当前锂电池电量测量方法 8
2.1.2本课题采用方法 9
2.2系统总体结构设计 11
3 系统硬件电路设计 12
3.1系统主控模块 12
3.1.1 MSP430系列芯片简介 12
3.1.2 MSP430F149单片机最小系统 13
3.2 LM2577升压模块 13
3.2.1 LM2577芯片介绍 13
3.2.2 LM2577升压电路 14
3.3 AD采集模块 15
3.3.1电压检测电路 15
3.3.2 电流检测电路 16
3.4液晶显示模块 16
3.4.1 12864液晶显示屏介绍 17
3.4.2 液晶显示模块电路 17
4 软件系统设计 17
4.1 主程序流程图 17
4.2 ADC采样程序流程图 18
5 测试结果及分析 18
5.1 系统调试 18
5.2 结果分析 19
6 总结与展望 22
6.1总结 22
6.2展望 22
附录 23