
从所测量的数据中可以看出,加入了温度补偿模块后,相较于未加入温度补偿的超声波测距系统,本设计的精度有了较大的提高,符合了日常使用的要求。 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
关键词:超声波测距 单片机 DS18B20 温度补偿 LCD1602
The Design and Implementation of Collision Avoidance System
Along with the development of electronic technology in recent years,the price of SCM is getting lower and lower and the performance of SCM is getting better and better. With the combination of single chip microcomputer and ultrasonic technology, the convenient, low price and reliable ultrasonic range finder can be made in our life.
The distance measuring system is based on SCM. As the control module, SCM STM32 is used to control the system. At the beginning, SCM sends a trigger signal to HC-SR04 and then HC-SR04 emits ultrasonic waves. The SCM determines HC-SR04's ECHO mouth if there is a high level of presence by external interrupt port. The time of the ECHO's high level is the same as the ultrasonic wave transmission time. So the SCM calculates the distance according to the time. The speed of sound is sensitive to temperature changes so DS18B20 is added to this design to measure temperature. The design can adjust the speed of sound in time according to the temperature. In obtaining the ultrasonic propagation time and the speed of sound, the microcontroller is able to calculate the distance and the final data will be sent to LCD1602 displayed in real time.
According to the experimental test data, compared to other ultrasonic ranging system, the accuracy of the design has been greatly improved because of the temperature compensation module and meets the requirements of daily use.
Key Words : ultrasonic distance measurement;SCM;DS18B20;temperature compensation;LCD1602

摘要 I
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2 国内外发展 1
1.3本文主要研究的内容 1
第二章 系统总体方案的设计 3
2.1系统框图说明 3
2.2超声波测距的原理 3
2.3各功能模块说明 4
2.3.1超声波发射电路 4
2.3.2超声波接收电路 5
2.3.3超声波控制单元 5
2.3.4显示单元 5
2.3.5测温单元 5
第三章 硬件设计 6
3.1 硬件设计框图 6
3.2 STM32单片机最小系统 6
3.3 温度传感器模块 7
3.4 HC-SR04超声波模块 9
3.5液晶显示器 10
第四章 软件设计 12
4.1系统整体流程图 12
4.2ΜVISION4 IDE简介 13
4.3测温模块程序 13
4.4超声波收发程序 16
4.5距离计算程序 17
4.6显示模块程序 18
第五章 电路设计 21
5.1 简介 21
5.2 系统原理图 21
5.3 开发板原理图 22
第六章 硬件电路测试 23
6.1 硬件电路的连接 23
6.2 测试数据 23
结 语 25 [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
参考文献 26