
关键词:智能电子秤, 称重传感器, 单片机
Design of intelligent electronic scale based on single chip microcomputer
Abstract: The design researched a intelligent electronic scale based on single chip microcomputer. It is mainly to serve people's daily production , quality measurement and valuation of life ,also achieve the information receiving quality ,pricing information and other functions. The design has taken the single chip microcomputer of STC89C51 ,resistor strain type weight sensors,HX711 module ,SIM900A module ,LCD 12864 and matrix keyboard etc.The measurement principle of intelligent electronic scale is: when the measured object placed on the scale ,under the effect of gravity make the gage deform, so that the resistance strain gages change ,result in variation of sensor output voltage.Through application and conversion of voltage will be processed by single chip microcomputer .Finally the weight and total price information of measured object will be showed through LCD or message .It realized the function of the weight display,unit price input and total price calculation ,removing supernumerary weight,unit price cleared and overload auto alarm arc . In addition , the design of the SMS sent to send the function, in the smart electronic weighing after weighing, press the "send text messages" function keys, intelligent electronic scales will be weighing the message sent in the form of text messages. So I designed this smart electronic scale has a broader space for development.
Key words: intelligent electronic scale, weighing sensors, microcontroller
1 引言 1
1.1 课题研究的意义与技术指标 1
1.2 称重技术的现状与发展 1
1.3 国内外电子秤的发展趋势 2
1.4 本节小结............................................................................................ ...............................3
2 智能电子秤的总体设计 3
2.1 智能电子秤的组成部分 3
2.2智能电子秤的工作原理 4
3智能电子秤各元器件介绍 5
3.1 单片机系统 5
3.1.1复位电路 5
3.1.2晶振电路 6
3.1.3掉电保护和检测电路 6
3.2 称重传感器 7
3.2.1 称重传感器选取 7
3.2.2 应变式传感器 8
3.2.3 传感器的供电源 10
3.3 HX711 A/D转换器 10
3.4 发短信模块 11
3.5 LCD显示器 11
3.6 矩阵键盘 12
3.7 超载报警 12
3.8 原理图..............................................................................................................................12 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
3.9 本章小结 13
4 智能电子秤的软件设计 13
4.1 主程序 15
4.2 中断程序 15
4.3 本章小结 15
5 电子秤误差的处理 16
5.1电子秤误差的来源 16
5.1.1 秤台的误差 16
5.1.2 应变式传感器的误差 16
5.1.3 二次仪表的误差 17
5.2 电子秤误差的计算 18
5.3电子秤误差的分配 19
5.4本章小结 19
6 结论 19
6.1 总结 19
6.2展望 20
参考文献 21
致谢 22
附录:实物图 23