
摘 要
发挥比较优势是新形势下提高地域间文化产业竞争力的重要手段和途径。辽宁具有发展文化产业较强的资源、人力、产业、环境等优势。只要辽宁精心打造文化产业比较优势, 一定会形成强大的竞争优势和发展优势。进入20 世纪90 年代中后期以来, 我国文化产业正在呈现出加速增长的势头, 我国社会文化娱乐用品消费的增长, 远远高于国民生产总值的年均增长率。
按照辽宁文化产业资源的潜力, 文化市场的内在需求, 比起我国文化产业强省, 还有相当的差距。目前, 辽宁文化产业发展存在的主要问题是: 思想观念不适应迅猛发展的文化经济时代; 文化产业同其他产业没有协调发展; 在全社会没有形成重视支持文化产业发展的良好环境和氛围; 文化产业发展缺乏品牌。只有发挥比较优势是才是新形势下提高地域间文化产业竞争力的重要手段和途径。
关键词:辽宁 文化产业 优势 竞争力 品牌
Exert comparative advantage is the new situation improve regional cultural industry competitiveness between the important means and ways. Liaoning has the development of the cultural industry strong resource, manpower, industry, environment and other advantages. As long as liaoning carefully build cultural industrial comparative advantage, will create a strong competitive advantages and development advantage. Enter since the 1990s, China's culture industry is showing accelerated growth, our social cultural entertainment supplies, far higher than the growth of spending an average rate of GDP. [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
According to the potential of liaoning culture industry resources, cultural market than the internal demand, our cultural industry strong province, there are quite a gap. At present, liaoning culture industry development the existing problem is: ideas does not adapt the rapid development of the cultural and economic times; The cultural industry with other industry did not coordinated development; In all the social forming no attention support the development of cultural industry good environment and atmosphere; Lack of brand culture industry. Only exert comparative advantage is is the new situation improve regional cultural industry competitiveness between the important means and ways.
Keywords: liaoning culture industry advantages of competitive brands
目 录
引 言 1
一、辽宁文化产业发展现状和存在的问题 2
(一)辽宁省文化市场的总体发展目标 2
(二)辽宁省文化产业发展存在的问题 2
二、打造辽宁文化产业品牌的具体措施 3
(一)建立现代文化市场体系 3
(二)提高文化载体建设打造精品文化 3
(三)推动辽宁文化产业发展具体对策措施 4
结 论 5
参考文献 6 [资料来源:Doc163.com]