
摘 要
其次对异步电机的数学模型进行了分析讨论,并建立其数学模型,以该模型作为出基础逐步建立瞬时转矩控制的模型。详细讲述了MATLAB/Simulink关于异步电机发电过程的仿真模型,主要有异步电机的仿真模型,控制器的仿真模型,逆变器的仿真模型;接着建立了异步电机起动发电的仿真模型,对异步发电机自励建压的过程进行了研究;实验结果表明采用上述瞬时转矩控制策略的异步电机具有良好的动态性能和稳态性能。 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
关键词:异步电机 瞬时转矩控制 起动发电双功能系统 仿真
Research on the Starter/generator System of Induction Motor
Power generation system of induction motor has been received much attention because of its rugged, reliable and inexpensive motor. However, its bad generation performance is greatly limited its application. At this time, the instantaneous torque control (ITC) strategy appears, which greatly improves the generation performance of induction motor.
In this paper, induction motor is introduced as example, and the simulation and research is based on their starting and generation process. The ITC strategy has mainly been used in the process of starting and generation. The process of voltage establish of ITC induction generation system is investigated.
Firstly this paper reviews the induction motor starting power systems research background, introduces the development of induction motor briefly, focusing on the ITC the characteristics and development. Next on the induction motor was necessary introduction of the principle of induction motor starting power for a detailed theoretical analysis. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Secondly, this paper analyses and discusses the induction motor mathematical model, and establishes the mathematical model of induction motor. The detailed model of ITC is based on the induction motor model. And describes in detail on the process of MATLAB simulation model of starting induction motor, the models mainly include the simulation models of induction motor, controller simulation model, simulation model of the inverter; then we build up a simulation model of starting and generation of induction motor, have an analysis of building pressure process with self-motivation. Experimental results show that the induction motor which uses the ITC strategy directly can have a good dynamic performance and steady-state performance.
Key words: Induction motor; Instantaneous torque control; Dual-function system; of starting and generation; Simulation

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景 1
1.2 异步电机发电系统研究现状及方向 1
1.2.1 带有电力电子变换器的异步发电机技术 3
1.2.2 交流变频技术的发展 3
1.2.3 异步电机发电系统起动到发电的转换控制—直接转矩控制 4
1.3 电力系统MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真简介 6
1.4 论文的主要研究内容 7
第二章 异步电机起动/发电系统起动到发电的转换 8
2.1 起动/发电系统工作原理 8
2.2 异步电机起动/发电系统的组成 9
2.3 起动向发电转换的控制机理分析 11
2.4 本章小结 14
第三章 异步电机起动/发电系统发电技术的研究 15
3.1 异步发电系统发电理论概述 15
3.2 异步发电机瞬时转矩控制技术基本原理 17
3.3 异步发电机瞬时转矩控制系统的基本结构 20
3.4 瞬时转矩控制异步发电机直流馈电系统的建压过程 22
3.4.1 发电运行状态的建立 22
3.4.2 发电建压控制过程 23
3.5 本章小结 24
第四章 异步电机起动/发电系统研究与仿真 25
4.1 异步电机数学模型的建立 25
4.1.1 坐标变换 25
4.1.2 异步电机数学模型 26
4.2 异步电机仿真模型 28
4.2.1 坐标变换模型 28
4.2.2 异步电机仿真模型 29
4.3 瞬时转矩控制器模型 32
4.4 逆变器模型 36
4.5 异步电机ITC控制系统仿真模型 37
4.6 异步电机起动发电过程的ITC控制系统仿真实验结果 38
4.7 本章小结 39
第五章 结论及工作展望 40
5.1 结论 40
5.2 工作展望 40
致 谢 41
参考文献 42 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]