
摘 要
为了保证室内空气的清新,本文主要设计一个室内空气质量检测系统。此系统可检测室内空气的温度,同时,当有害气体超标时,报警灯发光,提醒户主开窗通风。本系统主要是基于单片机AT89C51实现,它处理数据简单迅速且损耗低。并通过Proteus与Keil 联合仿真来验证系统功能。气体传感器主要介绍甲醛传感器,通过它检测室内甲醛浓度,与设定甲醛浓度值进行比较。超过设定浓度则报警,提醒居民早做应对,避免长时间吸食有害气体而不自知。
With the improvement of quality of life, people are more and more attention to their own health, in addition to diet, etc., the environment is also must be ignored.At present, most of the time people live indoors, but with the development of society, indoor air quality continues to decline.But people in the room but can not perceive changes in air quality, the body slowly by the harm. [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
In order to ensure the fresh indoor air, this paper mainly designed an indoor air quality testing system.This system can detect the temperature of the indoor air, at the same time, when the harmful gas exceeded, the alarm light glow, to remind the head of the window ventilation.The system is mainly based on single-chip AT89C51 implementation, it is simple and fast data processing and low loss. And through Proteus and Keil joint simulation to verify the system function.Gas sensor mainly introduces formaldehyde sensor, through which the indoor formaldehyde concentration, and set the concentration of formaldehyde to compare.More than set the concentration of the alarm, to remind residents to do early to avoid long-term use of harmful gases and not know.
Although the system is not from the root cause is to solve the problem of indoor air quality, but can let people sound the alarm, let the community increase the focus on air quality,The state will develop relevant laws and regulations, from the root to solve the problem of indoor air quality.
Key words:Air quality;single chip; sensor; formaldehyde
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3本文研究内容 2
第2章 系统总体结构与硬件选择 4
2.1系统总体结构 4
2.2硬件选择 4
2.2.1单片机的选择 4
2.2.2气体传感器的选择 7
2.2.3比较器的选择 8
2.2.4显示器的选择 9
第3章 电路设计 10
3.1温度检测电路 10
3.2译码电路 10
3.3单片机最小工作系统电路 10
3.3.1晶振电路 11
3.3.2复位电路 12
3.4显示电路 12
3.5气体报警电路 14
第4章 软件与仿真 16
4.1主程序设计 16
4.1.1初始化程序 16
4.1.2温度采集程序 17
4.1.3显示程序 17
4.2仿真软件的选择 17
4.3仿真结果 18
第5章 总结与展望 20
5.1方案总结 20
5.2对未来的展望 20
结束语 21
参考文献 22
致 谢 23 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]