关键词:智能家居 定位系统 热释电传感器 非基于终端
The Design and Application Of Pyroelectric Sensor
This article first briefly introduces the concept, development, application and insufficiency of smart home.The most critical part of the smart home is the positioning system.Then we introduce various aspects of the positioning system, including concepts, meanings, classifications and applications, algorithms.Next,how the pyroelectric sensor works is introduced.Finally, we design a suitable positioning algorithm based on related courses, such as single-chip microcomputers, analog circuits, etc..In addition, the concept and design of a simple indoor positioning system are described. The key points including the layout of sensors, overall circuit design, and program design are explained.Finally, the display is realized in the liquid crystal which is connected with the single-chip microcomputer. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Keywords: smart home;positioning system;pyroelectric sensor;non-terminal
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章、 智能家居的简介 1
1.1概念与特征 1
1.2发展进程 2
1.3应用与不足 3
1.4智能家居与传感器 3
第二章、定位系统 5
2.1定位的概念与意义 5
2.2定位的分类与应用 5
2.2.1室外定位分类与应用 5
2.2.2室内定位的难点 6
2.2.3室内定位分类与应用 6
2.3定位算法 7
第三章、设计思路 9
3.1热释电传感器简介 9
3.2目标区域的传感器序列分布设计 9
3.3电路设计与电路图 10 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
3.4流程图与程序设计 12
3.5液晶显示包括取模与连接 16
总结 20
参考文献 21