
CAN bus has become one of the most widely used industrial field bus.Especially, in recent years, the expansion of the CAN bus technology has made great progress, which makes the CAN technology in a broader field, such as satellite devices have the application space. The application potential of CAN bus technology is worth further exploring
The CAN bus interface module is composed of the framework of CAN network. In the field bus control system, the field equipment is connected to the CAN bus through the node; the communication between the devices, the processing and transmission of CAN network information all rely on the CAN interface module to complete.
In this paper, a brief introduction of the technical specifications of the CAN bus and the structure of the CAN interface module, in order to design a CAN controller based on the CAN SJA1000 bus interface module. The module's hardware circuit using AT89C51 as a microprocessor (MCU), SJA1000 as the CAN controller, PCA82C250 as the CAN bus transceiver. Reset circuit and anti interference circuit are also designed. The corresponding software is designed on the basis of the hardware circuit, and the design flow of several important sub routines is introduced emphatically.
Key words: CAN bus; interface module; SJA1000; initialization

第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2 国内外发展现状 1
1.3论文主要内容 2
第2章 CAN接口模块 3
2.1 CAN总线技术简介 3
2.2 智能CAN接口模块结构 3
第3章 CAN总线接口模块电路 5
3.1 方案选择 5
3.2 芯片介绍 6
3.2.1 CAN控制器SJA1000 6
3.2.2 CAN收发器PCA82C250 7
3.2.3 高速光耦合器6N137 8
3.3 硬件电路设计 9
3.3.1 基于SJA1000的控制电路设计 9
3.3.2 收发电路及抗干扰电路的设计 10
第4章 CAN总线接口模块软件设计 13
4.1 SJA1000初始化设计 13
4.2报文发送程序设计 19
4.3报文接收程序设计 20
第5章 总结与展望 22
参考文献 23
附录A 24
附录B 25
附录C 26
致谢 36