摘 要
Digital electronics design
Abstract [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]
The design of 51 series single-chip microcomputer AT89S52 as the control core, realizes the basic control function of electronic scale. In the design of the system, in order to make better use of the modular design method, the design of each unit step function module, the hardware of the system can be divided into the smallest system, data acquisition, man-machine interface,power supply system and warning circuit five parts.
Minimum system consists of AT89S52 and peripheral circuits; data acquisition part consists of pressure sensor, signal pre-processing and A / D conversion part, including the 24 bit A / D converter HX711; man-machine interface for keyboard input and liquid crystal display, mainly using the 1602 LCD display, can easily input data and intuitive display of chinese. System power directly through the USB line and the computer USB port is connected with the power supply. Software application of single-chip C programming language, to achieve the design of the whole control function. The electronic scale can realize the basic function of weighing ( weighing range of 0 ~ 30Kg, weight error not greater than + / - 0.001Kg ) can be set to the price of goods, but also has the ultra range and less range of alarm function. You can set the price of goods, with the cumulative change in the weighing scale and function.
The whole system has the advantages of simple structure, complete function, convenient use, high precision, has the certain development value.
Key words:single chip microcomputer ,pressure sensor,HX711,liquid crystal display.
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景和意义 1
1.2 研究现状及课题研究内容 1
1.3 本论文的研究方向和布局 2
第二章 智能电子称系统的硬件设计 3
2.1 系统硬件方案设计 3
2.1.1设计内容描述 3
2.1.2设计原理 3
2.1.3硬件框图描述 3
2.2 单片机最小系统设计 4
2.3 传感器 6
2.3.1 传感器原理 7
2.3.2 应片变传感器特点 8
2.4 人机交互模块 9
2.4.1 显示器 9
2.4.2 键盘电路 11
2.5 A/D转换电路 12
2.6 系统电源 14
2.7 报警电路 15
第三章 智能电子称系统的软件设计 16
3.1 电子称的软件设计 16
3.2 开发工具与技术 16
3.3 主程序流程图 17
3.4 A/D转换程序 17
3.5键盘/显示程序设计 19
3.5.1 Lcd1602显示程序: 19
3.5.2按键程序: 20
第四章 系统调试、分析与结果 23
4.1 测试流程说明 23
4.2 测试数据及分析 24
4.2.1 称重物品并自动输出总价 24
4.2.2 自动累加 25
4.2.3 修改电子称量程 26
4.3总结与展望 27
4.3.1 总结 27
4.3.2 展望 28
参考文献 29
附录一 源代码 30
附录二 原理图 40
附录三 硬件实物图 41
致谢 42