英语双关语语境分析及其翻译 (7600字)
摘 要:本论文首先引入英语双关语的概念,然后讨论英语双关语的分类与功能。又因为语境在对使用了双关语的会话言语的理解扮演着相当重要的角色,所以论文接下来介绍了语境的概念。最后,本文将英语双关语作为研究对象,运用语境分析的方法,从英语双关语在广告,文学作品和日常生活三种具体的语境中的运用的角度,试图进行分析探讨。在论文中,作者还提出并探析了一些英语双关语的翻译方法与翻译技巧。论文着重从语境的角度来分析英语双关语这一修辞手法,并对其翻译进行了探究,旨在加深人们对英语双关语的认识及运用。
Contextual Analysis of English Puns and Their Translation
Abstract: The paper first introduces the concept of English puns, and then discusses the category and functions of English puns. Next the concept of context is mainly discussed because context plays an important role in the comprehension of the implicatures in puns. At last, this paper attempts to discuss the English puns as the research object from the aspect of English puns in advertisements, English puns in literature works and English puns in daily life, using the method of contextual analysis. And some translation methods of English puns are also put forward in the thesis. This research is of significance to strengthen people’s knowledge of English puns and help us make a better application of English puns. [资料来源:Doc163.com]
Key words: English puns;Contextual analysis;Translation