摘 要:近年来,随着经济全球化的发展和中国的对外开放,英语商务合同的研究在国际经济贸易活动中变的越来越重要。英语商务合同的翻译属于特殊用途英语的范畴,所以它的特征不同于其他类型的翻译,如文学翻译。本文从功能对等角度看英语商务合同的翻译旨在分析英语商务合同的特征并讨论其翻译。
Translation of English Business Contract in Functional Equivalence View
Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of economic globalization and China’s opening to the outside world, English business contract translation has become more and more important in international economy and trade. English business contract translation is categorized into ESP (English for Special Purpose), so its features are different from those of other kinds of translations such as literary translation. This paper,Translation of English Business Contract from Functional Equivalence, is an attempt to analyze the features of English business contract and proceeds to discuss its translation.
The whole study resolves around the translation of English businesse contract on tracts from the perspective of funetional equivalence and consists of three chapters.
Chapter one gives a brief introduction to English business contracts to enable readers to have a better understanding of them.
Chapter two presents Nida’s functional equivalence theory and its rules.
Chapter three discusses the application of Nida’s functional equivalence to the English business contract translation.
At last, the author summarizes the whole thesis, objectively stating that the functional theory can be the basis of English business contract translation and guides the translation business contract practices.
Key words: Functional equivalence; Business contract; Translation