摘 要
Junior high school geography has more knowledge and coverage. Geography is an important subject that should be studied in junior high school. Its learning process includes two parts: geographic knowledge and geographical law. The contents of these two sections are widely distributed in every coke oven in junior high school geography study. Students skilled in geography work can effectively grasp the geographical concept. Then, in the teaching process of junior high school geography, there is still not a perfect place. The research institute mentioned here adopts two methods to study geography teaching. They are questionnaire method and document method. Find out which factors influence the teaching of geographical concepts by searching for and reviewing the literature and collection materials related to geography teaching. I have integrated the teaching of geographic concepts into practical teaching during the period of teaching at the Wulan County No. 5 Middle School, using actual teaching. Get related materials. It was found that the basic point of geographic learning is geographical concept learning. Geographic concepts cannot be ignored in the actual teaching process. Attention and attention should be paid to it. In practical geography teaching, teachers should change their role in positioning and teaching concepts. It only emphasizes the teacher's teaching and ignores the student's change from learning to teaching and learning. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key words: geography concept;Teaching;strateg
摘 要 I
Absrtact II
1.绪论 1
1.1研究的背景 1
1.2研究的目的 1
1.3研究的意义 1
1.3.1地理基础知识的重要组成部分 1
1.4研究方法 2
1.4.1问卷法 2
1.4.2文献法 2
1.5理论基础 2
1.5.1认知主义学习理论 2
1.5.2建构主义理论 3
1.5.3概念转变理论 3
1.6核心概念界定 3
1.7技术路线图 4
1.8文献综述 4
2.初中地理概念教学的现状及调查 5
2.1初中地理概念教学的现状 5
2.1.1国外对于概念教学的研究 5
2.1.2国内对于概念教学的研究 5
2.2问卷调查 6
2.2.1调查目的 6
2.2.2调查方法 6
2.2.3调查内容 6
2.2.4调查对象 6
2.2.5问卷结果与分析 7
3.初中地理概念教学问题分析 17
3.1教师因素 17
3.1.1忽视教学的重要性 17
3.1.2忽视学生自身问题 17
3.1.3忽视对地理“前概念”的认知 17
3.1.4忽视学生自身的认知水平 17
3.2学生因素 18
3.2.1学习动机不强 18
3.2.2受到地理前概念影响 18
3.2.3欠缺抽象思维能力 18
4.初中地理科学中的概念教学方式 19
4.1增加教学方式,增强学习兴趣 19
4.2建立具体情景,提高感性认识 19
4.2.1与现实的经验相结合 20
4.2.2应用直观体验法教学 20
5.案例设计 20
5.1设计原则 20
5.1.1具体性原则 20
5.1.2启发性原则 20
5.1.3感悟性原则 21
5.2教学案例设计 21
6.结论 22
6.1研究结论 22
6.2存在的问题 22
参考文献 23
附录一: 24
致谢 26