关键词:搜索引擎 检索习惯 百度 调查分析
Survey and Analysis of Chinese Search Engine for College Students
With the advent of the information age, how to get the most and most valuable content from the vast network information in the shortest time is becoming the most concerned topic.The Chinese search engine has been developing for nearly 20 years. It has made great achievements in functions and USES, and has gradually become an important way for Internet users to search information. However, due to the rapid replacement of Internet information and people's increasing search demand, there are still many shortcomings in Chinese search engines. Therefore, this study has practical significance in exploring the defects of Chinese search engine and its future development direction.
This paper made clear the subject of the research background and research content, through consulting relevant literature, the Chinese search engine users retrieval habits and Chinese search engine problems and solutions are summarized. Then, the questionnaire survey was conducted in the form of a questionnaire survey to investigate the retrieval habits of Chinese search engines, to determine the respondents, and to set up questionnaire questions and issue questionnaires online. By analyzing the survey data with graph analysis, the problems of Chinese search engine and the feasible optimization measures are put forward. Finally, this paper takes Baidu search engine as a typical case, analyzes its search characteristics, and discusses its advantages and disadvantages in depth, hoping to help improve the Chinese search engine.
Key Words: Search engine; Search habits; Baidu; Investigation and analysis
摘要 Ⅰ
目录 Ⅰ
第一章 引言 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 1
1.2研究内容与方法 2
1.2.1研究内容 2
1.2.2拟采用的研究方法 2
第二章 文献综述 4
2.1中文搜索引擎用户检索习惯 4
2.2中文搜索引擎存在问题及对策 4
2.3文献综合评述 5
第三章 问卷调查与分析 6
3.1问卷调查目的 6
3.2问卷调查对象 6
3.3问卷调查内容与方法 7
3.2.1调查内容 7
3.2.1调查方法 7
3.4调查问卷设计与发放 7
3.4.1调查问卷设计 7
3.4.2调查问卷发放 8
3.5调查数据整理与分析 8
3.5.1受访者个人信息 9
3.5.2中文搜索引擎使用概况 9
3.5.3中文搜索引擎使用技巧 11
3.5.4中文搜索引擎评价研究 13
3.6调查小结 15
第四章中文搜索引擎存在问题及对策分析 17
4.1中文搜索引擎存在问题 17
4.1.1查全率、查准率偏低 17
4.1.2专业化搜索引擎过少 17
4.1.3数据更新速度较慢 18
4.1.4服务个性化不明显 18
4.1.5查询方式单一 19
4.2中文搜索引擎对策分析 20
4.2.1提高查全率、查准率 20
4.2.2提高专业化搜索 20
4.2.3加强检索技术开发 20
4.2.4实现智能化搜索 20
4.2.5增强个性化服务 21
第五章中文搜索引擎案例分析——以百度为例 23
5.1百度基本简介 23
5.1.1公司概况 23
5.1.2百度排名情况 23
5.2百度搜索特点 24
5.3百度存在问题及解决方案 25
5.3.1缺少专业化搜索 25
5.3.2搜索质量不高 26
5.3.3关键词广告过多 26
5.3.4服务缺乏个性 27
5.4案例总结 28
结束语 29
参考文献 30
附录一调查问卷 32
附录二调查问卷结果 36
致谢 41