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摘  要


关键词: 预应力混凝土连续刚构桥;悬臂施工;内力分析。

The design of the prestressed concrete continuous rigid frame bridge, a total length of 256m, by the three-span (68m +120m +68 m) composition, cross-section of the box-type cross-section (single-box single room), designed load-based highway-I load Construction of cantilever symmetry with cantilever construction in beam construction. In this paper, no design of the lower structure (piers, cap and pile foundation), transverse prestressing and vertical prestressing is carried out, and the design and calculation of the superstructure are mainly completed.
There are many advantages of continuous rigid bridge, which not only retains the characteristics of continuous beam bridge, but also has many unmatched characteristics of continuous beam bridge, such as the ability of crossing, the consolidation system of pier and beam, the stiffness is big, the deformation is small, The number of seats, optimize the structure of the force performance.

In the design of the time, drawing on the more examples of engineering, but also refer to a large number of literature, the structure of the force carried out a more detailed analysis and research. The bridge model was established by using MIDAS / Civil software. The cross section of single section was adopted. The height of the main section was double parabola, and the maximum distance was 6.7m from the fulcrum to the minimum of 2.7m and the thickness of the roof was 25cm. In order to reduce the difficulty of construction, combined with the characteristics of the continuous rigid frame bridge, the thickness of the bottom plate is linearly changed from the middle fulcrum to the mid-span, from the maximum point of 0.7m to the minimum of 0.3m.After the model is built, the detailed internal force analysis of the model is carried out by using MIDAS / Civil software. Then, the number of prestressed steel beams is estimated and the prestressed steel beam is arranged. Finally, the bearing capacity and performance status of the control section are checked.After the internal force analysis is completed, the longitudinal prestressing section diagram, the prestressed layout diagram, the main bridge bridge cross-layout diagram, the main bridge guiding construction step diagram, the prestressed steel beam large sample map, etc., and then the foreign translation, the final editing Design calculations and documentation. [资料来源:]
Key words: prestressing concrete continuins frame bridge; cantilever construction;analysis of internal forces.


第1章  绪论    1
1.1连续刚构桥的发展    1
1.1.1国外发展    1
1.1.2国内发展    1
1.2桥型方案比选     2
1.2.1桥梁设计的基本条件    2
1.2.2方案比选    2
第2章  桥梁总体布置及截面尺寸拟定    4
2.1设计依据及基本资料    4
2.1.1主要技术指标    4
2.1.2主要材料    4
2.2桥梁总体布置    4
2.3截面尺寸拟定    5
2.3.1桥梁截面高度    5
2.3.2腹板厚度    6
2.3.3顶板厚度    6
2.3.4底板厚度    6
2.3.5中支点和跨中截面布置    6
第3章  桥梁模型的建立    8
3.1概述    8
3.2建立模型    9
3.2.1梁节段的划分    9
3.2.2材料规格    10 [资料来源:]
3.2.3箱梁截面的定义以及桥梁边界条件的添加    11
3.2.4静力荷载的添加    12
3.2.5施工阶段的定义    13
3.2.6完成模型    14
第4章  桥梁结构内力计算    15
4.1桥梁恒载内力计算    15
4.1.1计算阶段划分    15
4.1.2施工阶段内力计算    15
4.1.3成桥阶段内力计算    18
4.2桥梁活载内力计算    19
4.3支座沉降内力计算    21
4.3.1模型设置    21
4.3.2计算结果    22
4.4温度变化内力计算    23
4.4.1模型设置    23
4.4.2计算结果    23
第5章  预应力钢筋设计    25
5.1纵向预应力筋估算    25
5.1.1计算原理    25
5.1.2 纵向预应力束的估算    27
5.2纵向预应力钢束的布置    29
5.3预应力损失及有效预应力计算    31


5.3.1概述    31
5.3.2电算结果    31
第6章  次内力计算及内力组合    34
6.1预应力次内力计算    34
6.1.1概述    34
6.1.2先期预应力徐变次内力    34
6.1.3后期合拢预应力弹性次内力    35
6.2 徐变次内力计算    36
6.2.1混凝土徐变理论    36
6.2.2徐变次内力计算方法    36
6.2.3徐变次内力计算结果    37
6.3温度次内力计算    37
6.3.1温度次内力的计算方法    37
6.3.2温度次内力的计算结果    40
6.4支座沉降次内力计算    40
6.4.1支座沉降次内力的计算方法    40
6.4.2支座沉降次内力的计算结果    40
6.5荷载组合    41
6.5.1作用分类和作用效应    41
6.5.2按承载能力极限状态组合    41
6.5.3按正常使用极限状态组合    42


第7章  截面验算    47
7.1正截面抗弯承载能力验算    47
7.2斜截面抗剪承载力验算    48
7.3施工阶段法向应力验算    48
7.4受拉区钢筋的拉应力验算    49
7.5使用阶段正截面压应力验算    52
7.6正截面抗裂性验算    53
7.7挠度验算    54
第8章  主要工程数量    56
8.1梁体混凝土用量    56
8.2钢束用量估算    57
8.3锚具用量估算    58
结论    61
参考文献    62
致谢    63


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