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摘 要
本次毕业设计的题目是3×40m 计,该设计以新汴河虞姬大桥中实际项目为背景,属于该项目引桥的第一联的 和 。  T梁的特点。因此 T梁桥常用于 制,本次毕业设计没有对横向预应力、竖向预应力以及抗震进行设计。
本次设计大致分为两个过程。首先是根据规范和设计经验拟定 和 的主要构造和相关细部的尺寸,考虑到桥梁结构形式与地质条件,桥台的设计采用肋板台,桥墩的设计选用圆柱墩,基础的设计均选用摩擦桩。施工方式确定为预制吊装施工。
从MIDAS最终分析可知本桥梁在施工阶段以及使用阶段的各项验算均能通过,说明本次设计桥梁内力的分布情况合理,并满足相关的规范要求。 [资料来源]

The title of the graduation design is the design of the 3×40m prestressed concrete first simple supported continuous T beam bridge construction drawing design. This design takes the actual project of the Yuji bridge in the new Bian River as the background, and belongs to the first superstructure and substructure of the project's lead bridge. Simple construction, strong seismic capacity, smooth and comfortable driving, easy maintenance and so on are the characteristics of prestressed concrete continuous T beams.Therefore, prestressed concrete T beam bridge is commonly used in medium and small span bridges.Due to the time constraint, the design of transverse prestressing, vertical prestressing and aseismic design has not been carried out in this graduation project.
This design is roughly divided into two processes. First, according to the standard and design experience, the main structure of the upper structure and substructure and the size of the related details are drawn up. Considering the structure and geological conditions of the bridge, the design of the abutment adopts the ribs, the pier is designed to choose the pier, and the friction pile is selected for the basic design. The construction method is determined as prefabricated hoisting construction.


The second process is to use MIDAS software to calculate and analyze the superstructure, including the calculation of reinforcement results, internal force analysis, and the cross section checking of the construction stage and the normal use stage. At the same time, we should take into account the factors such as shrinkage and creep of concrete, uneven settlement of foundation, and secondary internal forces generated by the overall and local temperature difference. The checking calculation of the roadway board, the checking calculation of the local anchorage under the anchor and the design of the substructure are all calculated by hand, and the lower structure is mainly designed and calculated for the pier, abutment and pile foundation.
Finally, the MIDAS analysis shows that the bridge's checking in the construction and use stage can be passed, which shows that the design of the bridge is reasonable in internal force distribution and meets the requirements of the corresponding specifications.
Key words:simple post-continuous combination beam bridge; T beam bridge ;structural analysis; MIDAS/CIVIL  [资料来源:]



第1章 绪论    1
1.1预应力混凝土连续梁桥的发展概述    1
1.2选题设计思想及意义    1
第2章 桥型方案比选    2
2.1构思宗旨    2
2.2比选原则    2
2.3设计方案    2
2.3.1预应力混凝土先简支后结构连续T型梁桥    2
2.3.2装配式预应力混凝土简支T型梁桥    2
2.3.3预应力混凝土变高度连续箱梁桥    3
第3章 桥跨总体布置及结构尺寸拟定    5
3.1桥跨布置    5
3.2上部结构尺寸拟定    5
3.2.1顺桥向主梁尺寸拟定    5
3.2.2横桥向主梁尺寸拟定    5
3.3下部结构尺寸拟定    5
3.3.1墩身尺寸拟定    5
3.3.2桥台拟定    5
3.3.3桩基础尺寸拟定    6
第4章 建模    7
4.1模型简化    7
4.1.1横向分布系数的计算    7 [资料来源:]
4.1.2模型简化    8
4.2主要参数说明    8
4.2.1材料参数    8
4.2.2荷载参数    9
4.2.3边界说明    10
4.3施工阶段说明    10
第5章 桥梁结构内力计算    11
5.1恒载内力    11
5.2活载内力    17
第6章 预应力钢筋设计及预应力损失计算    22
6.1预应力钢筋设计    23
6.1.1纵向预应力筋估算    23
6.1.2 预应力筋的布置    29
6.2 预应力损失    30
6.2.1预应力钢筋与管道壁之间的摩擦σl1    30
6.2.2锚具变形、钢筋回缩和接缝压缩σl2    30
6.2.3预应力钢筋与台座之间的温差σl3    31
6.2.4混凝土的弹性压缩σl4    31
6.2.5预应力钢筋的应力松驰σl5    31
6.2.6混凝土的收缩徐变σl6    31 [来源:]
6.2.7 预应力损失计算结果    32
第7章 次内力计算及内力组合    35
7.1温度次内力    35
7.1.1计算依据及方法    35
7.1.2温度次内力计算结果    35
7.2基础不均匀沉降次内力    41
7.3预应力次内力    44
7.4收缩次内力    46
7.5徐变次内力    49
7.6内力组合    51
7.6.2正常使用极限状态组合    54
第8章 主要截面验算    58
8.1承载能力极限状态截面验算    58
8.1.1正截面抗弯验算    58
8.1.2斜截面抗剪验算    62
8.2正常使用极限状态截面验算    63
8.2.1使用阶段正截面抗裂验算    64
8.2.2使用阶段斜截面抗裂验算    66
8.2.3挠度验算    69
8.3持久状况和短暂状况构件的应力验算    69
8.3.1使用阶段正截面压应力验算    70 [资料来源:]
8.3.2使用阶段斜截面主压应力验算    72
8.3.3施工阶段正截面法向应力验算    74
8.3.4受拉区钢筋的拉应力验算    78
第9章 锚下局部承压验算    80
9.1局部受压区尺寸要求    80
9.2局部抗压承载力计算    81
第10章 行车道板计算    82
10.1中间单向板计算    82
10.1.1恒载内力    82
10.1.2活载内力    82
10.2外边梁悬臂板内力计算    83
10.2.1恒载内力    83
10.2.2活载内力    83
10.3荷载组合    83
10.3.1连续板    83
10.3.2悬臂板    84
10.3桥面板配筋    84
10.3.1桥面板配筋    84
10.3.2抗剪验算    85
第11章 桥墩计算    86
11.1荷载计算    86
11.2截面配筋计算    87

11.3墩柱截面承载力验算    88
第12章 桥墩钻孔灌注桩计算    89
12.1荷载计算    89
12.2桩长计算    89
12.3桩的内力及位移计算    90
12.3.1基本假定    90
12.3.2桩的计算宽度    90
12.3.4桩的变形系数    91
12.3.5桩身最大弯矩位置及弯矩计算    91
12.3.6计算最大冲刷线下深度Z处桩截面上的弯矩 及水平压应力     91
12.3.7桩顶纵向水平位移验算    92
12.4桩身截面配筋计算    93
12.5桩截面承载力验算    94
第13章 桥台计算    96
13.1盖梁计算    96
13.1.1计算模型    96
13.1.2盖梁截面配筋    97
13.1.3盖梁截面承载力验算    97
13.2钻孔灌注桩    98
参考文献    99 [资料来源:]

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