摘 要
The project is located in nanjing, with a total construction area of about 6000 square meters and a five-storey building, which is mainly used for office use.
Firstly, this paper analyses the office building and consults relevant literature. Through analysis and demonstration, it is concluded that the fan-coil unit is flexible and can adjust the room temperature independently. In addition, there is no need for air return pipeline to save building space. Therefore, the office of this building adopts fan-coil unit plus fresh air system. The underground floor needs ventilation design and mechanical ventilation.
Finally, the whole design is summarized, and the problems to be further studied are summarized, and some suggestions for future design work are put forward. It is emphasized that the air conditioning design should meet the requirements of the owners and the energy saving standards as far as possible. The design is based on reference and implementation of relevant national standards and norms.
Key words: air conditioning— cooling load—fan coil unit
大气压力 冬季室外大气压力(hPa) 1025.5
夏季室外大气压力(hPa) 1004.3
室外计算温、湿度 夏季空气调节室外计算干球温度(℃) 34.8 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
夏季空气调节室外计算湿球温度(℃) 28.1
夏季空气调节室外计算日平均温度(℃) 31.2
夏季通风室外计算温度(℃) 31.2
夏季通风室外计算相对湿度(%) 69
冬季通风室外计算温度(℃) 2.4
冬季空气调节室外计算温度(℃) -4.1
冬季空气调节室外计算相对湿度(%) 76
夏季室外平均风速(m/s) 2.6
风速 冬季室外平均风速(m/s) 2.4
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 设计概况 1
1.1工程概况 1
1.2气象参数 1
1.3围护结构参数 2
1.3.1墙体 2
1.3.2门窗 2
1.3.3楼板 2
1.3.4屋面 2
1.4室内设计参数 2
1.5不同房间人均面积指标及照明负荷 3
第二章 负荷计算 4
2.1空调房间冷负荷计算说明 4
2.2湿负荷计算 7
第三章 空调系统方案的确定 12
3.1.空调系统方案的确定 12
3.1.1常用空调方式及方案比较 12
3.1.2系统选择 13
3.1.3新风系统 13
3.2. 夏季空气处理过程 14
第四章 空调设备的选择 16
4.1.风机盘管的选择 16
4.2风机盘管的布置 20
4.3.新风机组的选择计算 20
第五章 气流组织计算 22
5.1气流组织的形式 22
5.2气流组织的计算 22
第六章风系统设计 30
6.1风道布置原则 30
6.2 风管阀门的选择 30
第七章 水力计算 37
7.1 空调水系统 37
7.1.1空调水系统的选型比较 37
7.1.2 空调水系统的布置 38
7.1.3风机盘管水系统新风水系统水力计算 39
第八章 冷热源设计 52
8.1冷热源机组选择 52
8.2冷冻水泵的选择 54
8.3水系统的补水定压 54
8.4软化水装置 56
8.5膨胀水箱的选择 56
结 论 58
设计依据 59