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Air conditioning design of a large shopping mall in nanjing
The design for a large shopping mall in nanjing cold and heat source and air conditioning system design, to design a reasonable air conditioning system for the indoor staff to provide a comfortable working environment.


The unsteady harmonic response method was used to calculate the cooling load hour by hour and the thermal area index method was used to calculate the heating load. Comparing the heat and cold source schemes of air conditioning, screw water cooling unit + (fuel)boiler is selected for heating. The air conditioning system adopts ceiling fan and roof type fresh air system, so that the air conditioning rooms dc rot interfere with each other.
independently adjust indoor temperature and humidity The water system of air conditioning adopts the closed system of mechanical circulation, two pipes and one pump: with fixed flow
Most of the branch pipes of the system are arranged differently a small part of them are arranged in the same way, and the branch roads are arranged differently. Air-conditioning area and other use of natural exhaust The smoke prevention and exhaust system of the building sets mechanical  smoke exhaust on the first floor underground, elevator front room, closed corridor and room, and the rest areas adopt natural smoke exhaust.


This design includes: cold and heat load calculation of air conditioning: comparison of cold and heat source schemes of air conditioning;Selection and 
calculation of air conditioning system: selection and calculation of air conditioning water system; Hydraulic calculation;Computer: selection of other equipment; Energy saving, heat preservation and anticorrosion, vibration and noise reduction, etc.
Keywords:cold and heat source,air conditioning water system,energy consumption.


第一章 设计概况    1
1.1建筑概况    1
1.2设计参数    1
1. 室外设计参数    1
2.室内设计参数    2
1.3冷热源方案    2
第二章  负荷计算    5
2.1空调负荷计算一般规定    5
2.2逐时冷负荷计算    9
2.3峰值负荷计算    10
2.4湿负荷的计算方法    12
2.5热负荷计算    13
2.6热负荷估算    17


第三章设备选型    18
第四章  空调冷源    20
4.1设备选型    20
4.2冷却塔设计计算    20
4.3分水器与集水器设计计算    20
4.4空调水系统管路的水力计算    21
4.4.1冷冻水循环水量和冷却水循环水量的计算    21
4.4.2冷冻水、冷却水管路的水力计算    23
4.5水泵计算    25
4.5.1  冷冻水泵选型计算    25
4.5.2  冷却水泵计算    26
4.6保温与防腐    27
4.6.1 管道保温    27
4.6.2管道防腐    28
第五章 空调热源    29
5.1 锅炉型号及台数的选择    29
5.2燃气供应系统的设计    29
5.2.1确定供气系统方案    29
5.2.2燃气管道设计    29
5.2.3调压系统设计    30
5.2.4放散系统设计    30 [版权所有:]
5.4 锅炉给水管路、循环水管路的水力计算    30
5.4.1等温降法    30
5.5 锅炉补水系统    33
5.6换热器    34
第六章 空调方案的选择    36
6.1空调系统的确定    36
第七章 空调系统的计算    40
7.1新风量的计算    40
7.2风系统的风量计算    40
第八章 空调处理设备的选型    44
8.1风机盘管的选型    44
8.2新风机的选型    44
第九章 风系统的计算    46
9.1气流组织方案    46
9.2气流组织计算    47
9.2.1  回风口的选择计算    47
9.3通风管道的材料及形式    48
第十章 风管、水管的水力计算    49
10.1风管水利计算步骤    49
10.2水管的水力计算    50
第十一章 管道的防腐和保温    72 [资料来源:]
11.1管道的材料    72
11.2管道的防腐    72
11.3管道的保温    73
参考文献    74
附表    75

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