
摘 要:本文通过对融资租赁内涵及外延的了解后对发达国家和我国融资租赁现状进行介绍了解,在此基础上对美国、日本、英国、韩国、中国融资租赁微观环境的融资租赁组织制度模式和运作方式两个方面进行比较,根据其微观环境的比较差异得出启示。 关键词:融资租赁;微观环境;比较;启示
A Study on Differences of the Financial Leasing Microenvironment between Developed Country and China——And the Revelation to China
Abstract:With knowing the intension,extension and financial leasing current situation.Compared financial leasing microenvironment of America,Japan,England,Korea and China on aspects:organizational system and modes,function mode..With knowing the differences among them,figuring out revelation about completing financial leasing microenvironment Key words: Financing rents; microcosmic environment ; comparative; revelation