摘 要
In today's society, the Internet is developing rapidly, and blockchain technology is constantly moving forward and applied to the Internet finance field. This technology has brought about tremendous changes in traditional finance. On the one hand, it has reduced the trading costs of financial institutions, and has also increased the efficiency of financial services, such as the transfer business. It has to be said that the emergence of blockchain has effectively improved the chaotic financial market and improved the business processing capabilities and standardized operations of financial enterprises. On the other hand, the booming development of Internet finance has also led to a series of problems. As we all know, blockchain technology uses distributed data storage, consensus mechanisms and encryption algorithms to construct an online public account, which makes the data public. At the same time, the blockchain has the characteristics of trust consensus, security, and de-intermediation. Applying it to all aspects of the Internet finance business, such as innovative supervision and management mode and trust acquisition, will exert great advantages. The corresponding government departments should do a positive job, and develop consistent industry guidelines, encourage blockchain business and technological innovation so that blockchain technology can better serve the development of Internet finance. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key Words:Blockchain technology;Internet banking;Application prospectl
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究方法与内容 1
1.2.1 研究方法 1
1.2.2研究内容 2
1.3 文献综述 2
1.3.1 国外研究现状 2
1.3.2 国内研究现状 3
1.3.3小结 3
第2章 我国互联网金融现状 4
2.1 互联网金融概念 4
2.2互联网金融发展情况 4
2.3 互联网金融发展面临的挑战 5
第3章 区块链及其在互联网金融中应用 8
3.1 区块链技术 8
3.1.1 区块链技术概念 8
3.1.2 区块链技术基本特征 8
3.2 区块链在互联网金融中应用 9
3.2.1 构建互联网上“公开大账本” 9
3.2.2 数字货币 10
3.2.3 股权众筹 10
3.3 区块链与互联网金融结合条件 10
第4章 区块链在互联网金融中前景分析 11
4.1 减少信任风险 11
4.2增加系统安全 12
4.3可以创造新的金融形式 12
第5章 区块链推动互联网金融发展的对策建议 14
5.1支持技术创新 14
5.2鼓励业务创新 15
5.3推动监管改革 15
5.4制定行业标准 16
第6章 总结 17
参考文献 18
致 谢 19