Analysis of spatial and temporal changes in China's economic development
Abstract: Based on the 1978-2014 data of economic development in China, we calculate the Gene coefficient, Theil index and other measures, combined with technology of ArcGis and Excel, we get a sort of China's economic development index data. With researches in China and abroad, we reasonably divided national economic regions and time of development to obtain a quantitative analysis of the characteristics of time and space. The economic development process of our country in 36 years showed that: 1) the difference of economic development in China has seen a great increase in first part of time, and then went decrease during 2nd period, finally it got a trend of decline. Now Chinese economy still has widely differences in different regions; 2) in term of space, the economy level of 3 coastal areas is always in the forefront of the development of the national economy, the central region gradually accelerate the development of economy, the western region's economic development accordingly stay in backward, with individual areas of rapid development; 3) Economic balance quantitative indicators, included the Gene coefficient, Theil index and Theil contribution rate, can be useful to get a good quantitative analysis of economic development data. We combined the GIS technology with those economic balance quantitative indicators to describe performance of economic development differences intuitively and rule of economic development. In the end we get the temporal and spatial characteristics of China's economic development. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key words: Economic development is not balanced; space-time node; Gini coefficient; Theil index;
目 录
1 引言 1
2 数据与方法 1
2.1 研究区域概况 2
2.2 数据 2
2.2.1经济数据来源 3
2.2.2 GIS数据 3
3 研究方法 3
3.1 时间划分 3
3.2 空间划分 4
3.3 指标选取 5
3.3.1基尼系数 5
3.3.1泰尔指数 6
3.4 GIS技术 6
3.4.1热点分析 6
4 经济发展不平衡时间特征分析 7
4.1 整体经济发展时间特征 7
4.2 区域经济发展时间特征 8
5 经济发展不平衡空间特征分析 10
6 结论 13
参考文献 13
致谢 15