摘 要:著作人身权是指作者基于作品创作而产生的人身权利。传统的理论认为著作人身权不可转让,但是随着科技的发展,技术的进步,这一理论已经很难适应网络时代知识产权保护的需要。我们应适应网络时代的要求,尽快建立起允许著作人身权转让的立法模式。
On the Personal Rights of the Copyright in the Analysis of Transferability
Abstract:Work refers to person produced works creation based on the rights of the person. The traditional theory is that the personal rights of copyright non-negotiable, but along with the development of science and technology progress, this theory has been difficult to adapt to the protection of intellectual property rights in network times needs. We should adapt to the era of network requirement, build allow copyright as soon as possible in the legislative model of the personal rights transfer.
Key words:The personal rights of copyright; Personality rights; transfer;construct [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]