There are disagreements between the theoretical circle of criminal law and the judicial practice in our country at present for the qualitative of acts of stealing network virtual property. The focus of the controversy is mainly on the property attribute of virtual property, on what charges to steal online virtual property, and the following practical difficulties. This paper points out that the virtual property has the legal property attribute, and it should be included within the scope of "property" protected by criminal law; and steal the virtual property should be considered as theft more reasonable. The approach I adopt are analyzing relevant legislation and regulations at home and abroad, typical cases and argumentation scholars' different viewpoints. The conviction and punishment of such acts according to the crime of theft complies with the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime, the possibility of prediction of our nationals and the constitution of crime. Besides, for the substantive and difficult issues in practice, such as the determination of the vested subject and the calculation of the amount of the virtual property, this article argues that both should apply different standards depending on the type of virtual property in the cases.
KEY WORDS: Steal, Network virtual property , Theft
前言 1
一、 窃取网络虚拟财产行为的规制现状 1
(一) 域外规制现状 1
(二) 我国规制现状 3
二、 窃取网络虚拟财产的典型案例评析 4
(一) 曾某盗卖QQ号案 5
(二) 周某窃取网络游戏金币案 5
(三) 陈某窃取网络游戏装备案 6
(四) 孟某、何某窃取Q币案 7
三、 窃取网络虚拟财产成立盗窃罪的合理性分析 8
(一) 网络虚拟财产具有财产属性 8
(二) 符合罪刑法定的原则 9
(三) 符合盗窃罪的构成要件 10
四、 盗窃网络虚拟财产司法适用的建议 11
(一) 确定网络虚拟财产归属的主体 11
(二) 明确网络虚拟财产数额计算的标准 12
结语 13
参考文献 14