On the Distinctiveness of Sound Trademark
On the Distinctiveness of Sound Trademark
Abstract:As different countries have established registration and protection system of new types of trademark, the new Trademark Act in China has stipulated that sound can be used as a constitution of trademark for registration. The significant stipulation of sound trademark has always been disputed by countries, and because of the various significant stipulations, the applications of some protected trademarks are rejected in other countries, which also causes numerous trademark dispute problems. The thesis mainly discusses about the significance of sound trademark, thereby clearing-out how to determine significance. Analyzing from the nature and characteristics of sound trademark, it raises the questions about trademark protection in terms of the differences between sound trademark and the traditional trademark. Moreover, the thesis discusses the scope of sound trademark, the degree of significance and means of expressions. Finally, combining the protection regulations on sound trademark in typical states, the thesis proposes some advices and suggestions about improving China’s legislation of sound trademark. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Keywords:Sound trademark,The applicable range,Significant, Expression way
目 次
摘要 I
Abstract. II
目 次 III
1 引言 1
2 声音商标的特征及其显著性概述 2
3 我国声音商标显著性的审查问题 4
3.1缺乏声音商标的范围标准 4
3.2缺乏声音商标显著性的程度标准 4
3.3缺乏声音商标的表达标准 5
4 典型国家声音商标显著性相关法律规定 6
4.1 声音商标的范围判断 6
4.1.1美国对固有显著性和获得显著性的分类判断 6
4.1.2欧盟部分成员国对固有显著性的排除式判断 6
4.2 声音商标显著性的程度规定 7
4.2.1普通消费者是显著性的判断关键 7
4.2.2采用整体认定的标准来判断混合型要素的商标 8
4.3 声音商标表达方式的选择 8 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
4.3.1描述性表示方式 8
4.3.2图样表示方式 8
4.3.3混合表示方式 9
5 声音商标在我国适用的建议 10
5.1 声音商标的范围规定 10
5.1.1声音商标的标识范围的规定 10
5.1.2声音商标的适用范围的规定 10
5.2 显著性的程度判断 11
5.2.1声音商标的整体认定 11
5.2.2显著性的判断标准 11
5.3 表达方式的选择 11
6 结语 13
参考文献 14 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]