
随着电源模块的普及,软开关技术逐渐成为探讨的热点问题。软开关技术是使功率变换器得以高频化的重要技术之一,目前为了减少开关损耗等一系列问题,产生了许多软开关PWM技术。本课题研究的是基于FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array)通过VHDL语言汇编产生移相PWM波的问题。文中首先阐述产生移相PWM波的基本原理,然后运用xilinx ise软件实现了PWM的移相结果等,结果达到预期效果。最后连接上位机(嵌入式控制器)的接口,通过此接口,可以控制波形输出的启停、连续调节移相PWM波形的开关频率和相位等参数。
关键词: 开关电源 软开关 现场可编程门阵列 移相脉宽调制
Title FPGA based phase-shifted PWM waveform generator Design [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
With the popularity of the power module, the soft switch technology has gradually become the hot issue discussed. Soft switch technology is to make power converter is one of the important technology of high frequency, at present in order to reduce the switching loss and a series of problems, produced a lot of PWM soft switching technology. This research is based on the FPGA ( Gate Array FieldProgrammable ) through the VHDL language compilation generating phase-shifted PWM wave problem. The article first described the basic principle of generating phase-shifted PWM wave, and then using xilinx softwave ISE PWM phase results, the results achieved the desired results. Finally connected to host computer ( embedded controller ) interface, through this interface, can control the start and stop of waveform output, continuously adjusting the phase shift PWM waveform of switching frequency and phase and other parameters.
Keywords: Switching power supply Soft switch [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
Field programmable gate array Phase shift PWM