
DPSK(Differential Phase Shift Keying),即差分相移键控,是现代通信系统中较为常用的信号调制技术。它不但克服了传统的多进制相移键控在解调时所出现的倒π现象,还具有误码率低、设备复杂度小、频谱利用率较高以及包络相对恒定等优点,并且这种调制方式是利用已调制信号的前后码元之间载波相位的相对变化来传递数字信息。正是由于DPSK的这些优良特性,使得其在当代的无线通信领域及卫星同性领域中得到广泛的应用。
本文主要论述了以现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA)、Altera公司的Quartus II 13.0软件为平台,进行基于软件无线电的思想DPSK调制与解调系统的设计与仿真实现,其中包括以常用的信道编码里德—所罗门码和卷积码级联实现信道编码、全数字化同相正交调制作为调制方式、载波同步、码元(位)同步和帧同步等现代通信系统中常用的同步技术,并且实现了PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect)接口通信模块的设计。
DPSK (Differential Phase Shift Keying), differential phase shift keying, is a relatively common signal modulation technique in modern communication systems. It not only overcomes the inverted π phenomenon of traditional multi-phase shift keying demodulation, but also has the advantages of low error rate, low equipment complexity, high spectrum utilization, and relatively constant envelope. This modulation method utilizes the relative change of the carrier phase between symbols before and after the modulated signal to transmit digital information. Due to these excellent characteristics of DPSK, it has been widely used in the field of contemporary wireless communications and satellite homology.
This article mainly discusses the design and simulation of the DPSK modulation and demodulation system based on software radio using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and Quartus II 13.0 software from Altera Corporation. Commonly used channel coding Reed-Solomon code and convolutional code concatenation to realize channel coding, all-digital in-phase quadrature modulation as modulation method, carrier synchronization in signal demodulation system, symbol (bit) synchronization and frame synchronization technology, and implementation The PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) interface communication module design.
Keywords:DPSK;FPGA;SDR; Synchronization

第1章绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2软件无线电与数字调制技术简介 2
1.3 本文主要工作以及内容安排 3
第2章 DPSK调制解调系统介绍 4
2.1信号采样理论 4
2.1.1低通信号采样定理 4
2.1.2带通信号采样定理 6
2.2信道编译码原理 7
2.2.1 RS编译码介绍 7
2.2.2卷积码编译码介绍 10
2.2.3级联编码原理 14 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
2.3 DPSK调制解调原理 14
2.3.1同相正交调制 15
2.3.2 DPSK调制 16
2.4同步技术介绍 17
2.4.1载波同步与科斯塔斯环 18
2.4.2码元同步原理 20
2.4.3帧同步原理 21
第3章模块设计与实现 22
3.1 DPSK调制模块仿真 22
3.2级联编码设计与仿真 23
3.3同步模块设计与仿真 25
3.3.1载波同步 25
3.3.2帧同步 26
3.3.3码元同步 26
3.4 PCI通信模块实现 26
第4章总结与展望 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30