关键词:儒家 修养论 修身 道德 价值
Along with the progress of the society and development of market economy and the reform and opening to the society and the role of the state and influence growing, China's ancient tradition of ethical principles and had different levels of the value system has never been hit.
Constantly to some question that whether still have the should have morality, the moral dilemma. Confucian cultivation appeared from the beginning has been tasked with the responsibility for social morality, Confucian cultivation is not only for the individual, but for the group, group has great value.
So we should know and active to learn in practice, which can independently and move to realize the value of Confucian ethics theory.
Keywords: Confucian Cultivation Morality Moral Value
前言 3
第一章 儒家修养论思想的具体内容 3
1.1“圣贤之域”所追求的价值目标 4
1. 2克己 4
1.3尽心至诚的理性的能动自觉性 5
1.4修自身安天下 5
1.5力行 5
第二章 儒家修养论的当代涵义 6
2.1对儒家修养论的重视 6
2.2儒家修养论在社会中的应用 6 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
2.3慎独助臂于反腐倡廉 7
2.4“儒家修养论”的最终目标 7
2.5“反求诸己”的道德修养与先进社会 7
第三章 对于儒家修养论的反思 7
3.1坚持儒学的诚信 8
3.2塑造自身健全的现代人格 8
3.3处理好自身与他律的关系 8
3.4责任意识以及担当精神 8
3.5大学生应当着重修养自身品质 9
3.6儒家修养论之“礼” 9
3.7儒家修养论的“变化气质” 9
3.8儒家修养强调言行合一 10
结论 10
谢辞 11
参考文献 12
附录 13 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]