摘要:儒家的创始人孔子在特定的历史环境中首先提出了“仁义礼智信”为主要内容的“五德” 1孟子和荀子对其进行了整合,到董仲舒时期,“仁义礼智信”作为“五常”基本发展成熟,又经过宋明时期的发展,逐渐的完善。本文系统梳理了儒家“仁义礼智信”,以期在追溯先贤智慧的基础上,发掘“五常”对当代社会的启示。
The Kind、Justice、 Rite、 Intelligence And Reputation Of The Confucianism And Its Contemporary Apocalypse
Abstracts :Confucianism of initiate the manhole son put forward " kind、 justice、 rite、 intelligence and reputation " for"five virtuous" of the main contents first in the particular history environment, Menzi and Xun son as to it's carried on integration, arrive DongZhongShu period, " kind、 justice、 rite、 intelligence and reputation " is "five cardinal virtues" basic development mature, again through Sung clear period of development, gradual of perfect.This text system combed the history of the Confucianism" kind、 justice、 rite、 intelligence and reputation " change, with period in trace back to first wisely intelligence of foundation, discover"five cardinal virtues" to contemporary society of apocalypse. [来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key words:Confucianism;kind ;justice;rite;intelligence ;reputation
目 录
1引言 3
2儒家仁义礼智信的提出背景 3
2.1仁义礼智信提出的社会背景 3
2.2仁义礼智信提出的思想文化背景 3
3儒家仁义礼智信的主要内容 4
3.1 “仁” 4
3.2 “义” 5
3.3 “礼” 6
3.4 “智” 7
3.5“信” 7
4 仁义礼智信的当代启示 8
4.1仁者爱人 8
4.2见利思义 9
4.3礼仪兴邦 9
4.4科教兴国 10
4.5信立天下 10
结论 11
参考文献: 12
致 谢 13