Landscape Architecture and Sketch Design of Gulin Park in Nanjing
摘 要:
As an important part of the overall urban landscape, park landscape construction can reflect the current economic level, regional characteristics and humanistic features of the city. It can be said to be a microcosm of urban life, and the natural ecology is gradually being Today people are yearning for and pursuing. This paper starts with the overview, characteristics, functions and significance of the park landscape, and focuses on the specific analysis of the ancient city of Nanjing. Through on-the-spot investigation of the status quo and existing problems of the Gulin Park, the paper analyzes the methods of its transformation, and proposes a concrete implementation of the architectural and sketch design and the combination of the landscape of the Gulin Park.
关键词:公园景观 古林公园 建筑及小品设计
Keywords: Park landscape, Gulin Park Architecture and sketch design
摘 要: I
引言 1
第一章 公园景观探究 2
1.1公园景观概述 2
1.2公园景观建筑及小品的特征 2
1.3公园景观建筑及小品作用和意义 2
1.4公园景观建筑及小品设计原则 2
1.4.1功能性原则 2
1.4.2生态性原则 3
1.4.3文化性原则 3
1.4.4人性化原则 4
1.4.5艺术性原则 4
1.4.6创造性原则 4
第二章 南京市古林公园嬉水园问题及优势探究 5
2.1 地理位置及周边概况 5
2.2 自然条件和历史特色 5
2.3 现状分析 5
2.3.1.空间的安排问题 5
2.3.2.空间的特色性问题 6
2.3.3.设计细节的问题 6
2.4 项目改造的意义 7
2.4.1.价值分析 7
2.4.2.城市总体规划的要求 7
第三章 古林公园嬉水园景观建筑及小品设计方法 9
3.1 设计理念及改造方法 9
3.2 具体的的设计方法 9
3.2.1 建筑及小品设计 9
3.2.2 植物的配置 12
3.2.2 人与自然的结合 12
结语 14
参考文献: 15
致 谢 16 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]