摘 要:本文根据功能翻译理论中的目的论并通过列举大量的实例试图论述其对于化妆品说明书汉译的指导作用。化妆品说明书的功能在于传递信息,将产品功效以及特质进行阐述,由此达到感染消费者购买的目的。而德国功能派翻译理论中的目的论将翻译看作有目的的交际行为,重视翻译发起者的目的性,认为在翻译时译者根据产品特点结合消费者的需求对原作提供的信息进行加工翻译。作者提出目的论对英文化妆品说明书的汉译具有很好的指导作用。通过所了解到的一些英文化妆品品牌汉译名称例子的分析,作者系统地总结出化妆品说明书的汉译技巧,从而证明翻译目的论对英文化妆品说明书翻译这种实用翻译具有一定理论指导作用和实践意义。此外,本文对于充实国内对于化妆品说明书汉译的研究成果,引起人们更多对于此类市场紧缺的实用翻译的关注具有重大意义。
Features of Cosmetic Products and Its E-C Translation
Abstract: This paper attempts to discuss features of cosmetic products and its E-C translation from the aspect of Skopostheorie by meticulously selecting many fresh examples. Cosmetic instructions aim to convey information of its function and quality, thus affecting customer in the purpose of purchasing. Skopostheorie of German school regards translation as purposeful action and maintains that purpose decides possess, it emphasizes the purpose of the translator and suggests that the products are translated on the basis of their qualities as well as the market. The author put forward that Skopostheorie can be used in guiding the translation of cosmetic products. The author analyzes Chinese translation of cosmetic instructions through some examples and summarizes the features of cosmetic products systematically. Consequently it is illustrate that that cosmetic instructions should be translated in the guidance of Skopostheorie. In addition, the research is of great significance to enrich the study of the translation of cosmetic products and arouse more attention to such a customer-oriented translation. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Key words: Cosmetic instructions; E-C translation; Translation strategies; Skopostheorie
Key words………….……………………………………………………………………1
1 Cosmetic instructions………..………………………………………………………...3
1.1. Content of cosmetic instructions……….…….…..………………………..…….… 3
1.2 Classification of cosmetic instructions…………..………...……………..….………3
1.3 Function of cosmetic instructions………...…..……………….………..…….….…4
2 Brief introduction of Skopostheorie……………...……………………...……………5
2.1 Katharina Reiss …................….........………………….……………………………5
2.2 Hans Vermeer..............................................…………………………………………6
2.3 Nord………………………………………………...………..…………………....…7
2.4 Conclusion of Skopostheorie......................................................................................7
3 Guidance of Skopostheorie to the translation of cosmetic products………...…...……7
3.1 Three rules of Skopostheorie as guiding the translation…………………………….7
3.1.1 Skopos rule……………………………………………………………….…..……8 [来源:http://Doc163.com]
3.1.2 Coherence rule…………………………………………………………….………8
3.1.3 Fidelity rule……………………………………………………………..…………9
3.2 Relations of three rules ……………………………………………..……….………9
3.3 Guidance of Skopostheorie ………………………………..……………………..…9
3.3.1 Principle of exactness…………………………………………………………..9-11
3.3.2 Principle of conciseness…………………………………………………...……..11
3.4 Present situation of cosmetic products translation in China……………………..12
4 Translation strategies of cosmetic instructions………………………….……….…..13
4.1 Basic strategies to cosmetic instructions translation………………………...…..…13
4.1.1 Target-text-oriented translation strategy to cosmetic instructions………...…..…13
4.1.2 Cosmetic instructions translation as a purposeful adaptation……...……….……14
4.2 Factors in cosmetic instructions translation……………………………………..…15 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
4.2.1 Linguistic factors in cosmetic instructions translation…………….…………......15 Favourable in meaning…………………...…….………………………………15 Creative in structure………………………………………………...….......…..15 Appealing in sound………………………………………………………....….15
4.2.2 Marketing factors in cosmetic instructions translation…………………………..15
4.2.3 Psychology factors in cosmetic instructions translation……………..……..……16
4.2.4 Legal factors in cosmetic instructions translation…………………...…………...17