摘 要:围绕英汉数字口译,这篇论文给出了口译中数字翻译的准确而快速的方法。首先介绍了汉英基数单位表达方式的异同,包括如何辨别这些异同和如何快速地把它们口译出来。再介绍了英汉数字的一些重要读法,例如区分 “-teen” 和 “-ty”的读法,时间和年份的准确读法以及科学计数法的读法规则。接下来介绍了汉英口译中记录数字的方法,像表格法,分节号法和小数点法。最后介绍了多位整数,倍数以及概数的口译方法。
On Interpretation of
Figures between English and Chinese
Abstract: Centering round figures interpreting between English and Chinese, this paper intends to explore the ways to interpret figures fast and accurately. It starts with the analysis of different ways to express figures between English and Chinese, including how to clarify the expressions of each other and how to interpret them quickly. Then it introduces some important pronunciations of figures between English and Chinese such as the distinguishing pronunciation between “-teen” and “-ty”, the accurate pronunciation of time and year, the pronunciation rules of scientific notation. Next it shows some recording methods on interpretation between English and Chinese, such as the use of forms, section marks and decimal. Lastly, it explores some common interpreting ways of figures between English and Chinese which contain the interpretation of large integral numbers, multiple and approximate numbers. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Key words: Figures interpretation; Expression; Pronunciation rules; Recording methods