摘 要:历届美国总统的就职演说一直是全球关注的焦点,巴拉克•奥巴马作为美国政府现任总统,其就职演说代表着美国政府的政策导向,具有深远的政治意义。而就职演说中也体现着演讲辞的语言魅力。因此就职演说辞的翻译,不但要准确地传达出美国总统的政策意向,而且要恰当地表现其语言的精妙之处。本文根据严复的“信”、“达”、“雅”的翻译原则,通过分析演讲辞中修辞、词汇、句法的文体特征,以及信息性和意图性的语篇特征,将美国官方和《中国日报》两个颇具影响力的中译本进行比较,从而得出在演讲辞的翻译过程中应运用注释法,增减法和四字短语来实现“信”、“达”、“雅”。
Contrastive Analysis of Chinese
Versions of President Obama's Inaugural Address [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Abstract: The inaugural addresses of American presidents have always been the focus of the world. Present American President Barack Obama’s inaugural address represents the orientation of American policies and possesses significant political meaning. Meanwhile, the inaugural address reflects the charm of language used in the speech. So the translation of the inaugural address not only requires to convey the political intention of American president, but also requires to express the beauty of its language. Based on Yan Fu’s translation principle-“faithfulness”, “expressiveness” and “elegance”. This paper puts forward translating methods of annotation, amplification&omission and four-character expressions in the process of the translation of the inaugural address by means of analyzing its stylistic and discourse features, and of contrasting two influential Chinese versions of it-American official version and the one of China Daily.
Key words:Barack Obama ; inaugural address; translation