摘 要:《简爱》的两个中译本在不同的社会背景下完成,采用的翻译策略也不尽相同:从对译本形式和语言的整体处理来看,20世纪70年代末的祝庆英译本大略可归为异化类,而20世纪90年代的黄源深译本为归化类。通过对两个中译本的比较,作者分析了不同翻译策略所达到的不同效果。需要指出的是,这里的异化与归化只是相对的,就单个译本而言,异化与归化都不是唯一的翻译策略,二者往往交织在一起。与其对孰优孰劣争执不休,不如突破二元对立模式,另辟蹊径,解决那些长期困扰翻译研究的问题。
A Comparative Study on Domestication and Foreignization Translation Strategies: Taking Two Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre as Examples
Abstract: This thesis surveys the sociocultural context in which the translation takes place. Within the different sociocultural context, the translation strategies adopted in the two Chinese versions of Jane Eyre are different. So far as form and linguistic elements are concerned, the Zhu version may be roughly regarded as a case of foreignization , and the Huang version, domestication. The thesis studies mainly how different effects in the two versions of Jane Eyre. What must be stressed is that the foreignization and domestication are referred to here in a relative sense. As to the individual version, neither foreignization nor domestication is an exclusive strategy. It is better to break the binary opposition model and find new ways to solve the problems that bewilder translation studies than to keep arguing about which strategy is superior to the other.
Key words: Jane Eyre; Translation strategies; Foreignization; Domestication; Comparison